Tips for Skin Exfoliation

Exfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cells to reveal new, healthy ones. The result is super soft skin that is smooth to the touch. By using exfoliating products, you can skip the makeup. This is because exfoliating cleans and opens your pores, making your skin less prone to acne.

Body exfoliates scrub away dead skin cells to give you that glowing complexion, that is the good news. The bad news is many companies use finely ground pieces of petroleum-based polyethylene. These non biodegradable micro-beads are washed down the drain where they enter our sewers, rivers and oceans and can be fatal to aquatic critters thinking they are food.

Exfoliate with natural ingredients like ground up coffee beans, jojoba beads, oatmeal and coarse sugar. Many companies use polyethylene spheres which are plastic pieces that pollute sewers, rivers and oceans. They also kill tiny ocean creatures that eat these particles. Stay with all natural ingredients. Raspberries, strawberries and other berries have natural elagic acid which loosens cell bonds and exfoliates the skin.

Vibrant skin is essential to both health and natural beauty. Skin is deeper than what meets the eye. Healthy skin has nutrient rich blood nourishing the cells. In less than healthy skin, extra layers of cells build up into the dry, crusty surface we try unsuccessfully to soothe and smooth with topical creams. Treating only the top of our skin is like charting only on the top of an iceberg.

You need to purchase a natural, non synthetic bristle dry skin brush. It should be a firm brush, your skin will be able to handle it! But it should not scratch or cut the surface of your skin.

When exfoliating the face, apply a bit of witch hazel with a cotton ball for a mild astringent to help with oil control. Mix 4 tablespoon organic oat flour with 2 tablespoons powdered milk and 1 tablespoon lemon juice to make a smooth paste. Apply to face, let sit until dry, and rinse with warm water. This can be used a couple of times a week.

Vegetables such as carrots and pumpkin and herbs such as turmeric can stain kitchen bench tops (especially white surfaces). Using an exfoliant to clean these surfaces will help prevent scratches while removing unsightly stains. When using a face and body exfoliant as a gently abrasive household cleaner you should always test a small area that is not visible to ensure it does not stain or leave any marks.

For body moisturizers, you can use body lotions and creams. Find lotions that are easily absorbed by your body. To moisturize your hands, find thick hand creams, as the hands are more susceptible to dryness compared to other parts of your body. Don't forget foot lotions! Every good bath and body shop doesn't forget these. Look for those that are thick and have mint to sooth tired feet.

There are also other reasons for using natural ingredients. Your skin will be soothed and made smoother. What you put on your skin is as important as what you eat. Revitol allows exfoliating skin to be an easy undertaking for any of us. It is recommended you do this every day. The last thing you want is to have to go through some complicated procedure. Fortunately, this is a procedure that is as quick as washing your face.

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Vegetable Soup Diet – A way for Weight Lose

A vegetable soup diet is an incredible way to both lose weight and pack your body full of nutrients. There's different approaches you can take to a vegetable soup diet. You can go all out and do an exclusive vegetable soup diet, or you can simply replace it with a few of your meals, which will cut down your overall caloric intake, while adding a horde of new nutrients to your diet you normally wouldn't get.

A vegetable soup diet is one of the most effective and healthiest ways to reduce weight and stay in shape. While you're planning your soup diet, don't forget the basics. Drink lots of water. Get plenty of rest. Stay active. This will take your soup diet to the next level. A soup diet offers many different benefits to your health as soup contains a high water content, it curbs your appetite, and contains many nutrients.

The diet will help you lose fat because you will be replacing one of your main meals with the soup. I may b best to have the soup for lunch and then have a smaller meal in the evening. The soup can also be quickly heated in the microwave or on the hob if you feel the need to snack. The high liquid content will fill you up and stop the craving for food. You will get energy from the soup and the other meals you eat.

A vegetable soup diet has the dual advantage of being very nutritious as well as low in calories and contributing to weight loss. As a result, it forms the core of many different diets and it is possible to even design your own soup diet and select ingredients according to personal preferences.

The vegetable soup diet is all about eating this soup over and over again, while consuming some other food of nutritional value as well. Opinions vary about how healthy it is and some either claim it's unhealthy and leads to health hazards. Since this miracle vegetable soup is fat-burning, it's likely that adopting it as your new favorite food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner would be tempting.

The Cabbage Soup Diet is a very low-calorie diet consisting mostly of fruits and vegetables with the slow introduction of meat (in the form of beef) on the sixth day. A vegetable soup diet may sound very healthy and it can appeal to vegetarians but the fact that the vegetables have very low calorie makes it unhealthy.

The Vegetable Soup Diet is an effective way to lose your weight and give your body the nutrients it needs as well as protein and carbohydrates. Never use canned vegetables because it contains high sodium content. Instead, choose to use as many fresh vegetable as possible in your concoction of vegetable diet.

While it is named The Cabbage Soup Diet, there are no scientific studies that show cabbage properties to burn fat. The seven days meal plans indicate that this is another low calorie diet with 800-100 calories per day, the soup is just there to satisfy the dieter whenever he is hungry.

All vegetables eat all the raw, frozen, or canned vegetables you want. Try to eat a lot of green leafy vegetables Stay away from dried beans, peas and corn. Reward yourself and have a big baked potatoe with BUTTER. No fruits today only vegetables and don't forget to eat your soup.

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Aromatherapy: A Way To Relax 

Aromatherapy is a healing therapy that uses the essential oils of plants to soothe and treat countless illnesses. The first recorded use of essential oils was more than 6000 years ago as a staple of the Egyptian culture and healing system. Today, aromatherapy is becoming popular for providing the same benefits in our culture, with one of the most common uses being for relaxation and stress relief.

Following are some important aromatherapy massage cream flavors to provide you with physical and mental well being:

Peppermint - Reduces digestive problems, relieves headache, muscle pain and uplifts the mind and body.

Oregano - Assists in providing mental clarity, reduces depression and relieves muscle aches and pains.

Quality aromatherapy oils are called essential oils. Aromatherapy oils are concentrated oils that the skin can absorb quickly, or the oils can be used in an aromatherapy diffuser to add scent to a room. Aromatherapy essential oils also come in small vials so that they easily fit in your purse, briefcase, or workout bag, allowing you to bring your aromatherapy treatment with you wherever you go.

These essential oils may be administered through soothing massages, warm baths, and calming inhalations and even taken orally. Since these oils are highly concentrated, when being incorporated in massage oils and bathing formulas, they are diluted in vegetable oils or water.

Aromatherapy also acts on the central nervous system, reliving depression and anxiety, reducing stress, relaxing, uplifting, sedating, stimulating both physical and emotional wellbeing" (Prevent). Aromatherapy helps people to relax and to reduce their stress. The aroma signals a special part of the brain that controls the emotions you feel.

Aromatherapy is said to trigger certain biochemical responses in the brain that in turn activate certain dormant function of the body and mind to impart a sense of well-being. Since aromatherapy is widely practiced, there is an array of products in the market that are sold as aromatherapy products, but actually are not. Sometimes even certain types of perfumes are passed on as aromatherapy oils.

To add some romance or relaxation to your home, try using aromatherapy candles. They will do more than look pretty and smell great. They offer you a variety of features including relieving stress and helping you sleep better. Aromatherapy soaps are another great aromatherapy product that can help you feel refreshed as well as rejuvenated. There are many soaps to choose from. Some are for medical ailments and others are for relaxing.

Aromatherapy books helps us to know aromatherapy in a better way, it provides knowledge of the several of types of essential oils and their significance being used in aromatherapy. It is already known that aromatherapy make use of aroma which further enhances the health. Aromatherapy has been proved very effective in problems like arthritis, asthma, autism, cancer, pain relief, sedation and relaxation.

When aromatherapy essential oils are inhaled, your brain and respiratory system get invaded by them. When they enter your lungs, molecules of aromatherapy oils attach themselves to oxygen molecules and are carried into your blood stream and circulated to every cell in your body.

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How to Fight Depression During Pregnancy

Depression during pregnancy is a health condition that needs to be paid attention in order to ensure a healthy pregnancy without any complications to the mother and the child. It is a fact that nearly 10%-20% of pregnant women are afflicted with depression. The cause of depression in pregnant women is attributed to hormonal imbalances that change the brain chemistry during pregnancy. It is a relief that depression during pregnancy is treatable and manageable.

Exercise and fresh air are both important parts to clear mental health. Moderate to straneous exercise is safe for pregnant women up to their third trimester, after which moderate exercise without running or jumping is recommended. Breathing deeply into your belly has also been proven to boost mental clarity.

During pregnancy your hormone levels are constantly fluctuating, and this can lead to emotional outbursts and sadness. Estrogen will often act as a protective barrier to depression, and during pregnancy women have this hormone in abundance. But in some women, if this hormone level is high and so are the levels of the hormone progesterone, then they may become depressed.

To be more in control, and less at the mercy of downward spiraling thought, it helps to adopt a healthy routine. Make a plan of what you want to do during the day. Starting in the morning, write a list of activities you wish to undertake. The morning you can begin with easy exercises such as walking, deep breathing, and meditation that assist you to be in a stable frame of mind.

Pregnancy is a life-altering event that can cause women to feel anxious, scared and often stressed. Prenatal depression seems to be increased in the first trimester, suggesting it is the time of maximum vulnerability. Experts believe that the rapid increase in hormone levels at the start of pregnancy can disrupt brain chemistry and lead to depression.

Rest and Relaxation - Pregnancy will be exhausting, both physically and mentally so it is important to get a great nights sleep and give oneself plenty of me time for relaxing things to do. Get adequate relaxation and you will feel fresher and happier in the course of your pregnancy.

The symptoms of depression during pregnancy is marked by an frequently feeling low, helpless, neglected and insecure about how her loved ones feel about her. Women tend to be tearful, short tempered and feel irritated. Expecting mothers are found to travel between highs and lows of moods and their energy levels are directed in response to the changes in mood.

Signs and symptoms of this condition are persistent sadness, sleeping too much or too little and anxiety. Other symptoms include change in eating habits, loss of interest in activities that you usually enjoy as well as difficulties in concentrating. Feelings of guilt or worthlessness as well as recurring thoughts of death and suicide are other signs.

If you're depressed, you may have some of these symptoms nearly every day, all day, for 2 weeks or longer:
- Feeling sad, hopeless and having frequent crying spells
- Feeling guilty, helpless or worthless
- Thinking about death or suicide

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Skin Blemishes Treatments

Blemishes are the most common skin disorder that affects teenagers more than people who belong to other age groups. Blemishes can be a result of incorrect food habits, hormonal changes as well as unseemly methods of skin care.

Blemishes that appear on your skin as a result of acne are often characterized by the presence of an unpleasant head that are clogged in your pores and therefore cause infection due to bacteria found in your pores. If whiteheads or blackheads are not bad enough, acne lesions could also come as a result of premature squeezing out of those blackheads or whiteheads.

The acne treatment you follow should be such that it will actually bring you clear skin. Skin blemish treatment products don't revolve around a single product. They are all linked with each other and should, therefore, be used regularly. The best ones are the ones which are part of a series because they can take care of all the problems which acne brings about in steps.

Acne blemishes can be treated with various products but each product is interlinked and you should know the proper series before you start experimenting with your skin. Pick up the best suited face wash, cleanser and then day and night creams that you need to use on your face. Do not change them during your treatment of acne blemishes.

Facial blemishes and acne is the most acute for most people because it is the most obvious and the most embarrassing. At least pimples on your back or chest are hidden. It is a major problem not just physically but also psychologically because it creates a lack of confidence and other issues for those who suffer from these problems.

Vitamin C also controls collagen production in damaged skin; thus, resulting to a structured collagen formation. When there is a more organized formation of collagen, the treated skin would look a lot like an uninjured skin after the skin renews itself. The only downside of products with Vitamin C is its stability. Most creams, when opened, turn brownish. This is because when the cap is opened, Vitamin C becomes oxidized, and this renders the product totally useless.

An effective topical treatment for acne blemishes is benzoyl peroxide. It comes in a gel or cream form and is applied to the affected area(s) immediately after they have been cleansed. Benzoyl peroxide will work to kill bacteria and it will also help heal existing acne blemishes and help prevent new pimples from forming. Benzoyl peroxide treatments may cause dryness or peeling so be sure to begin by using it just once per day. Also, beware that benzoyl peroxide will bleach certain fabrics.

Blemish treatments are used to fight against bacteria that cause blemishes as well as removing the resulting acne and marks from the affected area. While squeezing or popping blemishes may be your first thought it can actually cause the affected area to become worse and may cause scarring.

Face wash, cleansers and day and night creams generally make up a the best acne blemish treatment package. These need to be applied exactly as per instructions, as you would if you're serious about your blemishes disappearing.

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Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet

During the Master Cleanse Diet most people lose around 20 lbs. or more, however this will only be temporary if we decide not to eat properly after the cleanse. The good news is that because the body resets itself, you will most likely not crave the foods that you have long been addicted to. This is because you have wiped these foods clean from your diet, therefore, they do not seem as tasty and fulfilling as they once did.

With the Master Cleanse lemonade diet recipe, you need to know that you can lose weight and/or drastically improve your health condition in as little as ten days, but it is definitely not a magic pill - most people do not last one day on this lemonade diet, although you can minimize the detoxification symptoms by following the tips in the updated version of the Master Cleanse book.

The Master cleanse lemonade diet seems to have proven itself to the general public of its ability to detoxify the system, speed up the metabolism, regulate the body, create energy, fight addictions, learn about allergies, and lose weight fast. Those who have gone through the lemonade diet feel that it is completely safe and effective if done correctly. Which would be true for any diet that one may go through.

It does all this via its special lemonade based drink that puts your body on a safe, fast detox that lasts just 10 days. Pretty much from the moment you start the lemonade diet, your body begins its detox and within just a few days you are left feeling renewed with more energy and drive.A lot of people have also lost weight with the master cleanse lemonade diet too.

It is true that master cleanse diet emphasizes on excessive weight loss but it was never meant for such. To get the complete knowledge of master cleanse lemonade diet and to find out why it is strongly backed by the masses, you need to take a good look into the present society and their eating habits and then you will realise the necessity to make a change and "reset" their dietary routine.

Using a detox diet to flush away harmful waste products and reset your bodily functions makes perfect sense, because your body can function the way nature intended it to which means more health and vigour for you. The amount of energy and a deeper sense of respect for your body that you will get from following this master cleanse lemonade detox will surprise you.

The lemonade cleansing diet is also popularly known as the Master Cleanse diet, which is created by Stanley Burroughs. This diet is also known as a detoxifying diet, which helps the body get rid of all the unwanted fats and toxins that has built up over the years due to a lazy lifestyle or by binging on all types of food without the caution.

The Master Cleanse is actually a fairly simple form of fasting. You are allowed a specific type of drink that includes lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper in specific proportions. The frequent consumption of lemon juice is why the diet is frequently referred to as the Lemonade Diet. Diabetes is the result of a deficiency in diet (we can agree on this). The lemonade with molasses is and ideal way to supplement this deficiency.

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Raw Food Detox Diet Plan

A raw food detox can also be more beneficial than traditional diet detox programs because of how the body responds to cooked foods. Few people understand that when you ingest foods that have been cooked, your body interprets the cooked food as poison and reacts accordingly. White blood cell production is increased and moved into your system to defend your body.

The production of enzymes and digestive products is an extremely heavy drain on the body's resources. If the food that we eat is full of these enzymes to start with then the body is released from the need to produce these and released from diverting energy toward their production. Once released from this energy consuming task it has much more energy spare to devote to the other tasks a body needs to concentrate on such as fighting illness, regenerating diseased and dysfunctional organs and parts of the body.

On a raw diet, you will get to experience various types of food that have very unique flavors. Oftentimes, people get stuck in a rut of eating the same foods everyday; however, eating raw will allow you to try different types of fruits, vegetables and recipes you never even thought possible. The foods on a raw detox diet are great and are quite tasty. This diet and detox is about breaking bad eating habits and putting new and healthy foods into your body.

To start your raw food detox diet, increase the amount of fresh produce in your cooked food diet. The cleansing process begins and helps flush out old toxins. Greens and fresh fruits are especially effective in pushing debris out of your cells and colon. These two primary raw sources attune your body to eating more and more raw food.

Detoxifying your body is the only way of cleansing your body of these toxins. It is a natural process that, in times gone by, our ancestors' bodies were able to accomplish all on their own. Today however, with poor diet and stressful lifestyles, many of us find our bodies are overwhelmed and unable to cleanse themselves properly.

Others who have followed this diet have experienced rapid weight loss, cellulite disappearing and much lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Skin glows and hair shines. Energy levels are much higher, with a sharper mental focus, far better sleep.

A raw food detox diet includes consuming only organic food and drink, whole foods such as grains, at least eight glasses of water per day and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, drugs and processed foods. Fortunately, this diet neither promotes starvation nor indulging in unhealthy food as much as you desire.

Taking the next part of that phrase, 'Detox Diet', we arrive at an extremely important part of any transformative process, the elimination of the old ways, toxins and patterns. This word 'Detox' is the popular word for an amazing and critical point in your journey. From a food and nutrition perspective we are talking about the elimination of stored debris, waste and toxins from a body that has, until now, been unable to eliminate these products from its system.

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Tips to Get Youthful Skin For Life

One of the best ways to ensure that you are getting youthful skin is by daily exfoliation. There are many products on the market that are great for daily exfoliation; some are in a cream form while others are in the form of a Luffa sponge. The creams that you find today are usually course and contain properties that are specifically developed to remove dry dead skin.

The problem with many of the ant-wrinkle creams that are on offer today is that they invariably cost more than many of us are comfortable paying. Creams to maintain and regain youthful skin are pretty much mid to high end beauty products. Added to this is the fact that these ant-wrinkle creams are ongoing expenses that are often used daily.

Attending a spa on a regular basis is a luxury that some individuals simply cannot manage to do. These people need not fret since there are many excellent products available on the market to help them maintain healthy skin. Various creams and lotions can be used in conjunction to cleanse and protect against dry, itchy skin. Eating a healthy diet can also aid in the quest for youthful skin.

In the midst of all this, someone could want to know just exactly how silica works, in giving its user a youthful skin. The asker of this question would most probably be someone who is not ready to take the promise at a face value, and who therefore wants to know how, exactly, a silica supplement works towards giving its user a youthful skin.

Wash your face twice a day with a face wash with NO active ingredients. This seems counter-intuitive to people who are used to smearing the strongest available brand of acne medicated wash on their face five times a day. This only leads to more irritation. Irritation is the name of the game in skin care: minimize irritation and you will minimize skin problems.

Moisturizer is your first defense against the debilitating functions of your skin. Seriously mull over your choices of moisturizers because you really have a lot of options today. Go for those with natural ingredients first as they are less likely to irritate your skin and you are not putting yourself at risk of possible intoxication.

If you want to have youthful skin, the first thing that you need to do is to look for a skincare line that will meet your needs. Different people with different skin types each have their own problem areas so make sure that you purchase a skincare line that is specifically designed to target your skin type.

Water is the liquid of life. This tasteless liquid is an indispensable part of our existence. To our skin, this is manna from heaven. Water helps moisturize skin tissues. Moisture acts as cushion to skin tissues so they don't get damaged easily. If the skin is dry and lifeless, the skin tissues wear out easily.

Stick to the very simple regimen of using natural moisturizer. It should be packed with anti aging ingredients such as CynergyTK and Phytessence Wakame. CynergyTK is taken from sheep wool and it is considered the most abundant source of functional keratin. This is a kind of protein that facilitates in the regeneration of collagen and elastin skin tissues.

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Smoking May Lead to Male Sexual Impotence

The rate of infertility and impotence in men is currently alarming. The statistics shows that about 50% of childlessness among couples results from infertility and impotence in men or their reproductive inadequacies. The psychological and marital complication of sexual weakness or impotence is not a thing to imagine let alone being neglected. It accounts for majority of marriage failures.

L-arginine is one such natural remedy for curing impotence. It is not a herb but an amino acid and is commonly referred to as the Nature. It can play a very important role in facilitating hard and firm erections by increasing the secretion of nitric oxide. Though most men are not really aware of this, reduced secretion of nitric oxide in your body is one of the root causes of erectile dysfunction.

Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction is an inability in men to achieve an erection. Almost all men suffer from impotence at one point or the other in their life but mostly it happens in older men and therefore it is also associated with the aging process. If the impotence is of temporary nature and goes away in a few days time it is not worrying but if it starts to prolong it can lead to great emotional stress and depression for both the partners.

When your brain gets stimulated with nicotine, valve mechanism that stores blood in the penis also gets impaired, making it difficult for you to get an erections.Not only this, cigarettes can also lead to fertility issue sin men by damaging your sperm and lowering the sperm count.Quitting cigarettes can help you get over ED. Moreover, there are some herbal or natural supplements that can be a big help.

Nicotine causes blood vessels to squeeze tight restricting the flow of blood. And long term smoking can permanently damage arteries throughout the body, including the arteries that feed blood to the penis. This loss of blood flow to the penis causes weak (or non-existing) erections. Also, smoking can increase your odds of getting high blood pressure or hypertension, these conditions also cause impotence.

Smoking and impotence can be beaten with NLP or Neuro Linguistic Programming. NLP is an all natural stop smoking technique that has been used for decades to help smokers kick their habit with exceptional results. NLP works by targeting and removing the cravings to smoke easily and permanently.

Smoking causes blood vessels to constrict which restricts the blood flow to the penis and many men may see no outward adverse affects until middle age when natural aging causes blood vessels to become smaller. Adding smoking to the mix is a recipe for impotence in some people.

Herbal pills use the power of herbal extracts and other natural ingredients to boost blood flow to the penis, increase the secretion of nitric oxide and enhance production of testosterone to ensure rock hard erections with improved staying power and an enhanced libido. One of the major developments in the field of herbal medications is the discovery of the amazing properties of Pomegranate. It is now known that Pomegranate can help boost libido and increase the production of nitric oxide resulting in hard and firm erections.

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Coconut oil diets are becoming increasingly popular as people are discovering out how coconut oil helps them lose weight, increase their metabolism, and even fight disease. Coconut oil is safe to use, and does not turn to fat in your body. It raises the metabolism, so you burn more fat and have more energy. It does not increase your cholesterol, but actually helps lower it.

You are able to do more and the chemicals in the coconut actually help to stimulate a rise in your metabolism. This oil is filled with Omega 3 fatty acids, which are proven to help stimulate the body's weight loss functions as well as increase concentration and energy. It also helps to lower bad cholesterol. All of these things are part of a healthy life style and recent studies have shown the benefits that omega 3's have for the both the mind and the body.

The coconut oil cures and most importantly prevents the heart diseases. Many experiments made on rats proved the marvelous effects which the oil has on the body. Rats fed with virgin oil were less predisposed to get any heart disease. Also the ones who already had minor ones even got cured. Also, the fats in the oil prevented oxidation of the tissues. This way rats looked younger and lived longer.

Coconut oil weight loss is mainly because of the fact that pure coconut oil diet increases metabolism which leads to faster calorie output and rapid fat loss. This diet is digested much more easily because the path of its digestion and metabolism is simple and quick. It should be remembered that several scientific studies have concluded that a consistently low intake leads to an increased risk of developing life-threatening diseases, including obesity, abnormally high body weight.

There is good reason why many Asian women have beautiful soft skin and lustrous hair. Many Asian cultures have grown up with this natural oil and have always used it in one form or another. Many Asian women will use coconut oil in their hair to prevent dandruff, promote hair growth, and to add an incredible luster and shine that gives them the gorgeous hair that seems so prevalent among Asian women.

Virgin and organic coconut oil has longer shelf life. You can preserve the oil in room temperature and there is no need to refrigerate it. If you want to lose weight, include it in your diet. It increases your metabolism and helps you burn more fat. Its components are converted into energy and it is not stored as fat.

As a result of these various health benefits of CO though its exact mechanism of action was unknown, it has been extensively used in Ayurveda, the traditional Indian medicinal system. Coconut oil is also great for your skin, but why is even more interesting. The sebaceous glands of human skin produce MCFAs like the ones in coconut oil, which destroy certain bacteria, fungi and viruses.

The major underlying causes of this are; antibiotics, a lowered immune system, some drug therapy, too much sugar in the blood, and hormonal fluctuations. Which is why it isn't enough to just treat the local symptoms -- as most drug-based treatments do -- but the underlying causes as well.

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Low  Calorie Snacks For Healthy Diet

Snacks are very tempting, and most of them are less than ideal for your health and weight loss goals. Vending machines with potato chips, pretzels and candy bars are everywhere. Then there are donuts, pastries and other high calorie treats that are often consumed mid-morning at the office. Fortunately, you can easily find low calorie substitutes for these snacks.

Low in calories and high in fibre, vegetables are an ideal candidate to snack on. Due to their high fibre content, they help us feel full and add are a better alternative to fattening snacks like biscuits or potato chips.By combining raw vegetables with low calorie dips, salsa or hummus, we can satisfy our hunger between meals without compromising our calorie intake plan.

Diet charts are maintained for people wanting to take 1200 calorie diet or 1500calories per day. But there is no need of watching calories in this diet chart. An uncomplicated means to do all this is to obtain a low calorie snack. These snacks are easy to make, less time taking and filling also. Here are some low fat snacks on the go for you and your family.

Plain popcorn: There are about 93 calories in three cups of plain air popped popcorn. Therefore, it is considered the best as well as the most delicious low calorie snacks on the go.

Almonds: You can eat about 10 almonds per day as they only contain 100 calories; they are quite nutritious too.

Apples with peanut butter make a delicious combination. Just chop up an apple, top with a tablespoon of peanut butter and you have a great low calorie snack ready. Apples are loaded with fiber and peanut butter has both protein and healthy monosaturated fat.

Low fat or non-fat yogurt is a great low calorie snack. It can also be eaten at breakfast or lunch. It's best to start with a plain yogurt and add your own toppings. This way you can control what you put into it. Usually when you buy pre-made mixtures, they are sweeter and higher in calories than they need to be. You can add all kinds of healthy things to yogurt -dried or fresh fruit such as blueberries, peach, goji berries, strawberries, etc.

Low calorie snacks can be as simple as putting sweet fruits on top of fresh cream or making a sandwich with your favourite vegetables on wholemeal bread. The only limit is your imagination. If you've ever wanted a snack but been unable to find it in your local supermarket then now is the time to create the dish that you really want to eat.

Low calorie snacks can be as simple as putting sweet fruits on top of fresh cream or making a sandwich with your favourite vegetables on wholemeal bread. The only limit is your imagination. If you've ever wanted a snack but been unable to find it in your local supermarket then now is the time to create the dish that you really want to eat.

Eggs contain a high volume of sulfur, as well as other minerals and vitamins which facilitates hair and nail growth. If you want healthy hair then eggs are definitely the way to go. If boiled eggs are too plain for you then you can mix it up a little and add them to salads, sandwiches or fried rice.

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Male with Eating Disorders - A Reality ?

Eating Disorders in men usually occur in the teen years but cases have been reported in boys as young 8 years old and older men in their 50's and 60's. Both men and women may suffer both medically and psychologically throughout their life and 9 percent of chronic cases lead to death. There are many reasons why men go untreated with this disease.

Men suffer just as women because they feel they have not achieved the "perfect" body they feel society pressuring them to have. They want the six-pack abs, strong pecs, and well-defined muscles on their arms and legs.There seems to be a stigma about the "perfect body." To men, it represents masculinity, making them feel more attractive and valuable.

EXERCISE - the current body ideal in our culture for men is to be fit and have obvious muscle definition . HIGH RISK SPORTS/ACTIVITIES - boys and men are expected to engage in dangerous "masculine" sports like football, rock-climbing, and rugby. These activities call for a fit, bulky body, which increases pressure on them to live up to the body ideal called for.

To deal with the emotional aspects of the trauma and eating disorder, we also engaged in a variety of experiential and body-oriented techniques with Deborah. The therapeutic technique of psychodrama was utilized to give her a sense of power over her abuser and the abusive scenario. Through yoga and movement exercises, she learned to better connect with her body and learn that it was okay to move and "feel" her body.

Think about your teen and eating disorders symptoms that he or she might be exhibiting. As hard as adolescence is for everyone, the Information Age has made it even easier for young people to compare themselves to omnipresent celebrities and supermodels.

There is a way to end these ailments, whether you are overweight, or have a distorted view of your body, or find yourself obsessing when you need to order non-organic. Yet, contrary to popular opinion, the solution doesn't come from solving the problem, per se. Rather, the solution comes from seeing the problem as an opportunity.

The dangers of eating disorders can be and often is life threatening. As with anorexia, malnutrition and dehydration will begin to take a toll on the body. Due to the lack of food and nutrients, the body's muscle tissue will be depleted and then the body's fat stores. If anorexia is left untreated or "caught" too late, the liver and kidneys will quite likely fail. Eventually heart damage and brain efficacy will be the result.

Eating disorders, in the midst of either gender, aren't a matter of conceit; wanting to fit into a smaller pair of jeans. In truth, eating disorders don't really have anything to do with food! What drives men with eating disorders is a must to be in control of something, anything. They don't do well expressing emotions, are perfectionists, and don't tolerate themselves to be less than perfect and have an extremely seated self-loathing.

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Also read more on herbal remedies by Ashlyn Baul

How to Cure Kidney Stone Naturally

Fiber is a little complicated but it is mostly responsible for pushing food through the digestive tract to keep your body flushed and regular. For kidney stones, experts recommend soluble fiber because of the abundance of water in water soluble fiber.You should immediately begin to add fiber to your diet by eating plenty of fruits and vegetables that are rich in natural acids. Natural acids will help dissolve the stones before they are flushed.

Herbal Therapy- This remedy has been used for hundreds of years in the east! The herbal remedy uses various herbs including: dried hydrangea root, gravel root, marshmallow root, cleaver's herb, parsley and uva ursi leaves. Basically, the mixture of herbs along with fluids will create a natural kidney flush.

All the body needs is a specific type of acid that can be found in soft drinks. Phosphoric acid has been consumed by man for decades upon decades now. Besides consumption, it is also used for industrial purposes to remove rust. With direct application to rusted iron, steel tools, or surfaces to convert rust to a water-soluble phosphate compound. In other words, it dissolves substances as hard as steel rust.

Kidney and bladder stones are formed from the usual chemical found in the urine, such as uric acid, phosphate, calcium, oxalic acid, and many more. Too little vitamin A or too much vitamin D, because of overactivity of the parathyroid glands, may also produce kidney stones. Such patients should avoid taking to much milk because of the high calcium content. Patients with gout are likely to develop uric acid stones.

Asparagus is a great vegetable to begin eating regularly. This vegetable is loaded with chlorophyll which has been shown to help flush the kidneys. There are also other vegetables you can eat. Go for a jog, run or even elliptical. When you are active your body shifts and could actually help your kidneys to shift the stones. Shifting stones are much more likely to pass.

Keep drinking plenty of fluids. Water is beneficial but you can also add fruit and vegetable juices which contain high levels of citrates. Citrates reduce the buildup of uric acid and help eliminate the formation of calcium salts. This is extremely beneficial considering that most kidney stones are composed of calcium.

Reduction of calcium may lead to weaken the bones. The excretion of Citrate is increased by the daily intake of potassium bicarbonate and potassium nitrate. In an alternate way, lemon can also be considered as a good dietary source. Diseases known as the Hypokalaemia can be prevented as it in turns lead to a reduction in the excretion of citrate. After the kidney stones surgery, the patient should avoid the foods and liquids that are rich in salt like tomatoes, strawberries, tea, chocolate etc.

The kidneys filter minerals out of the blood and into the urine to rid the body of medications, toxins and heavy metals. A diet high in animal protein can create a highly acidic blood pH level. To fight this, the body overcompensates by taking calcium from the bones in attempt to restore normal pH level. But this excess calcium has to be excreted from the urine, creating calcium oxalate - which accounts for about 80% of all kidney stones.

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Also read more on herbal supplements by Ashlyn baul

Guide to Omega3 Foods

One of the commonly known Omega3 foods are cows and poultry. These animals are artificially fattened up, which lowers the quality of Omega3 fats in them. Though some companies are successful in producing the fats in this manner; due to its lower quality, it does not have much health benefits.

The types of fish rich in fatty acids are sardines, herring, mackerel, salmon, hoki and tuna. But there are also other foods with benefits of omega3 for your health. Foods like:

o various oils -- flax seed, soybean, canola

o nuts -- walnuts, almonds, brazil, hazelnuts

o seeds -- sesame, sunflower, pumpkin

o eggs and meat -- chickens fed a diet of fish oils and greens; and grass fed beef

Fish is supposedly the fail safe source of omega3. And believe it or not, there is a certain type of fish that holds the title of best source of omega3- the Hoki fish. This fish contains naturally high levels of DHA and EPA fatty acids, essential fatty acids for good health. It is found in beautiful New Zealand, a place that has some of the cleanest waters in the world, making it safe from any contamination that can be found in other types of fish.

Fish oil supplements are the best way to get the needed omega3 you need for good brain function. If everyone used the same kind of fish and the same process for creating fish oil you would have nothing else to worry about. Remember, supplements are not regulated like drugs or even like meat are regulated. The best omega3 supplements are those that comply with the International Fish Oil Standards or IFOS. Manufacturers should use molecular distillation to ensure that all PCBs, mercury and other contaminants are removed. This process also makes the oil odorless and tasteless.

A third omega3 fatty acid called ALA can be had from flaxseed oil and other non meat sources but is nowhere near as beneficial as the body must convert it to DHA and this process doesn't always happen.
When selecting fish oil, ensure it has been molecularly distilled to remove all the toxins like mercury and lead, to leave only pure concentrated oil, still in its natural state to be easily absorbed by the body, making it the best option of the omega3 foods.

Sources like flaxseeds, walnuts, tofu, soya, almonds, vegetables like broccoli, radish, cauliflower, spinach, cabbage, and sprouts, etc. top the list. However, one problem in eating these food sources is that all of them are rich in only ALA form of omega three fatty acids, and they do not contain EPA and DHA - the much readily forms of omega3 fats by the body.

Fish is recommended so often because it has high levels of DHA and EPA. These two fatty acids are part of the omega3 foods you need for a healthy brain and heart. Whether you're taking supplements or eating fish, you want to make sure you're getting a product free of pollutants like mercury

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Chest acne  - How to Prevent it

Chest acne is also known as body acne and can range in appearance from a few red pimples and spots to weeping pustules, blackheads, whiteheads and even cysts. In its mild form, it may not always cause major discomfort but severe forms can lead to skin infection, bleeding and scarring.

The best treatment for chest acne, according to some experts is to accelerate the exfoliation process. The idea is to remove the dead cells of your skin surface mechanically (such as using liquid scrubs) or chemically (such as using salicylic acid or glycolic acid) to help prevent pore clogging.If you want to save your time and effort, there are actually several acne products for back and chest available out there. Some of them are very good and have a long list of satisfied customers.

Acne on the chest is a relentless skin problem and it affects a huge number of people all over the world. It is a type of acne by which both adults as well as teenagers are severely affected. It is a syndrome that can cause enormous nervousness, irritation of the skin, and embarrassment in people. On the whole chest acne can be hives and abrasions that have a propensity to come about over the chest identical to any other part of the body.

Chest acne is a typical skin disease for adolescents and adults. Statics shows that It is more widespread among women than men. Approximately 40% of the men and 55%% of the women are affected with Chest acne. It typically comes in the form of cysts, pustules, pimples, zits, whiteheads and blackheads.

When bathing make sure that you have a soap that is antibacterial so that it will kill the bacteria that is on your body. You can usually find this at any supermarket in the skin care area. Also make sure that you do not scrub hard. You need to be gentle with your skin. You also need to look at your diet. You need to cut out any greasy and fatty foods and replace them with fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables have great vitamins and minerals that will aid in getting rid of chest acne.

Your choice of clothing can determine the occurrence of chest acne. For prevention, don't wear tight fitting clothes. This fabric traps the sweat between the clothes and the skin. When this happens, your pores become clogged. Therefore, always wear loose-fitting, cotton clothing. This fabric makes it easier for the skin to breathe and the sweat to evaporate.

Popping your acne pimples only helps to spread the bacteria that is causing the acne in the first place. I know how hard it is not to pop them but trust me, the more you pop the more chest acne you will get. When you bathe at night and in the morning, be sure to use an anti-bacterial soap and gently wash the inflamed area.

Chest acne refers basically to the symptom where inflammation occurs on chest and then spreads to a wider area around that part of your body. Research has shown that almost fifty four percent of women and up to forty percent of men are suffering from this problem. Anyway, no one can tell for sure what actually causes it, as there are simply too many factors that can be responsible.

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Also read on home remedies by Ashlyn Baul

Gluten Allergy Symptoms - Pay Attention

Gluten allergy symptoms is once the allergen comes in contact with the small intestines, causes the immunity mechanism to attack the lining of the colon. This attack on the mucosa of the small intestines of the victim of an allergic reaction to gluten weakens the belly and may cause heavy health issues in the future. The delicate coating is answerable for soaking up vitamins and nutrients in our body.

The symptoms of gluten allergy are the same as those that occur as a result as other food allergies, these include swelling and itching of the tongue, throat and mouth, diarrhea, hives, fatigue, rash, weight loss, stomach cramps, runny nose and sore itchy eyes to name but a few. The symptoms of gluten allergy can range from mild to life threatening, depending on the individual.

A gluten free diet is the only way to free yourself from the symptoms you're experiencing as a result of your body rejecting gluten in the foods you eat. Essentially, the gluten in food is attacking the lining of the small bowel, which is why you feel horrible and the skin reacts by erupting.

Gluten allergy symptoms, on the other hand, are really more of a systemic condition. Over time, your body over-reacts to gluten in its system and thus slowly wears down the lining of your intestines. As your digestive system deteriorates over time, the gluten allergy symptoms become more common and more severe.

Celiac disease is characterized by symptoms which are similar to those cited above for gluten intolerance and may also include severe skin reactions. In celiac disease the body over reacts to the eating of gluten in such a way as to damage the villi, which are the protuberances like fingers in the intestine which absorb nutrients from food. When these are damaged there is progressive malabsorption to the point that all foods are not able to be digested, not just gluten foods.

Gluten must be replaced separately. The gluten in wheat products provide the elasticity and stickiness in a many recipes. Two primary ingredients we use to replaces this function are guar gum and xanthum gum. They are both totally natural and safe ingredients. In some cases you might use them together along with one of the flours I identified earlier.

Treating a gluten intolerance is much more difficult than treating an allergy to wheat. In addition to eliminating wheat from your diet, you must also eliminate rye, barley and spelt. And to make it even worse, you must also watch various food labels closely because gluten is often used to help give sauces and similar foods texture. It can even be used in vitamins and over-the-counter drugs as a filler or binder.

Gluten allergy symptoms often begin mild, with intestinal discomfort such as bloating and flatulence. Then over time they both increase in number and type as well as become more severe. Intestinal discomfort, for example, would go from bloating and flatulence to constipation and diarrhea. Other common gluten allergy symptoms include headaches, fatigue and a lowered immune system.

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Also read on herbal remedies by Ashlyn Baul

Kidney Health - Things You Need to Know

One of the important aspects in managing kidney disease effectively is realizing your current health condition. Early detection of kidney disease can be lifesaving. Medication and alterations to lifestyle, in conjunction with an early referral to a specialist of kidney, are able to avoid or slow down kidney failure.

For maintenance of the kidneys, however, you can't go wrong with water. Obviously you don't want to drown yourself. The simple guideline as you have probably heard is 8 glasses a day. Obviously, this will vary based on activity level and climate to name a few factors. When you hydrate yourself enough, not only do you help the kidneys, but you can assist yourself in any weight loss goal as you increase your metabolism and energy levels.

Salty foods require your kidneys to overwork. Because the organ is also responsible in maintaining blood pressure, eating foods high in salt can also stress your heart. If you want to save what is left to you, avoid foods rich in salts and preservatives. Examples include processed canned goods and chips. Although instant foods are appealing to busy individuals, they are not the choice for your kidney health diet.

The role acupuncture performs in correcting kidney deficiencies is really basic, but the modes employed vary primarily based on each person's uniqueness. Acupuncture stimulates specific energy points to stabilize the circulation of "Qi" and establish harmony in the body. It can at the same time be helpful in maximizing blood flow to the kidneys.

Supplements for Kidney Health

Vitamin A Aids healing kidney and urinary tissue.
Vitamin B6 Reduces kidney stones.
Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids Inhibits stone formation.
Vitamin B Complex Helps reduce stones.

Qigong hence references the development of this energy internal to us. Various movements, postures, and breathing techniques comprise various qigong practices. These various sets focus on strengthening bones, muscles, and the internal organs like the kidneys. Qigong's has proven to calm the nervous system and allow for greater focus of the mind. Qigong can be used in weight loss programs as well.

Kidneys do essential functions that have an effect on all parts of the body and are involved in complex operations that keep the rest of the body in equilibrium. When the kidneys are injured by disease, other organs are involved. Kidney problems could vary from a slight urinary tract infection to progressive kidney failure.

The type of kidney stones that occur most frequently are the calcium oxalate variety. One of the reasons these stones occur is due to the presence of calcium which the body fails to absorb and digest properly. Oxalate contained in oxalate rich foods binds with the calcium to form these deposits. Unfortunately, for those of us who are spinach lovers out there, spinach contains a very high amount of oxalate.

(NSAIDs) aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen can cause kidney damage it is safe to use these as recommended on the bottle cones one a while. But large daily doses have been associated with kidney problems so if you have ongoing pain or inflammation talk to your doctor before self medicating with large doses of NSAIDs.

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Colon Cleanse Diet - A Guide

Colon cleanser diet is the diet that help revitalizing the intestines and offering them a new life so that they work with their best efforts. The foods to avoid in colon cleansing include coffee and black tea, all kinds of sweetened carbonated beverages, fast foods, canned/packed foods, foods with preservatives, alcoholic beverages, spicy and oily foods, fermented foods and the foods that are heavy to digest such as foods made up from refined flour or sugar.

Colon cleansing flushes out toxins along with healthy bacteria .These bacteria helps in maintaining equilibrium, protect against harmful bacteria and aid in the movement of food along the alimentary canal. It is important that these healthy bacteria are restored. A probiotic such as Latero-Flora or one from the garden of life can be used to restore the good bacteria. A typical colon cleanser diet includes, certain type of food like fruits and veggies, some actually calls for fasting too. Now, if you follow it to the dot, you will then start to lose weight the healthy way.

When it comes to losing weight, the debate goes on as to how a colon cleanse helps but there are many testimonials and examples of people losing weight immediately after cleansing. There are several companies that actually promote weight loss products for this reason alone. If you are having problems with losing weight, skin acne, headaches, or any kind of digestive issues, a colon cleanse could be your solution.

Colon cancer is a kind of deadly cancer that is due to the high amount of toxin deposits inside the intestines. When the foods are broken down and their nutrients are distributed to the other body parts, the remnants of these foods pile up containing wastes that are harmful for the body. The colon is much exposed to these toxins. Because of this, it is best to eliminate these toxins so that the colon will be left clean and safe.

Colon cleansers are an effective way to lose weight. Losing weight can come easy when the body is primed, through the use of colon cleansing and can be full of antioxidants and reduced of toxins that can inhibit weight loss. After all, through a colon cleansing series, there have been many patients that have seen a weight loss of up to ten pounds.

A colon cleanse diet has been shown to produce a 10 percent reduction in cholesterol, a 10 percent reduction in blood pressure, and an approximate 10 pound weight loss from around the stomach and midsection. It gets rid of excess weight that exercise just can't get rid of. On a colon cleanse diet you will first begin to observe beneficial differences taking place inside your body, but before long you will also start to notice benefits taking place on the outside.

A colon cleanser can come in many forms. The most common is that of the herbal supplement... something that is relatively new to the scene. Typically up until about fifteen years ago, a colon cleanse was completed almost exclusively through the use of an enema and in the doctor's office. Colon cleansing can help you lose 20 pounds, look younger, and feel more energetic.

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Neem – A Boon by Nature

Neem is a very good product for skin disease such as acne. Neem helps to remove the scars and makes your skin glow. Neem leaves are crushed and made into a paste and when applied on the acne, it helps to treat the chronic pimples. It is a natural product and helps in treating the acne successfully. It helps to make the skin dry and prevents formation of new pimples. Anti-infective and anti-inflammatory properties of neem help in treating the pimples effectively.

During the earlier times, the neem tree was only famous in India and Asian countries, but now it has been recognized worldwide, because Indians started the export of the medicines prepared from neem. Other benefits of neem tree include soil erosion control, high fertility of soil, flood prevention and pests and insects control to name a few. It acts as a natural pesticide.

Neem is drought resistance. It can tolerate almost any length of high temperature. Typically this tree is grown in sub-arid to sub-humid areas, where the annual rainfall varies between 400mm to 1200mm. This tree thrives in any types of soil, however, best grown in well drained deep sandy soil.

Teeth and Gums: Mouth wash made out of neem is very efficient in the treatment of infections, tooth decay, bleeding and sore gums. A mouth wash, using Neem oil, has been used for the treatment of mouth ulcers and is considered good home treatment for mouth related problems.

Neem is great for body care. In toothpaste, it keeps your mouth and gums clean and healthy. In shampoo is great for itchy scalps or other skin disorders. You can use this shampoo on your dog to keep away pests like fleas and ticks as well. Neem soap can be helpful for those with skin rashes or other skin related problems such as acne, eczema, psoriasis or scabies. It can also be used for head lice.

Its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties help in protecting from a number of microorganisms The oil extracted from the leaves can help heal wounds, cuts and infections. It also helps in curing different skin ailments such as acne, rashes etc. The leaves also help in cleansing and detoxification .

Margosa tree possesses the sheet (cold) virya potency. It contains tickt and kashaya rasa, it possesses the laghu (light) gunna (property). Combination of these makes neem a unique herb. Due to tickt rasa it suppresses kapha and due to sheet virya potency it suppresses pitta dosha.

Neem oil is famous for curing skin diseases, relieving joint pains, and making the bones strong. Similarly, the tea made from this herb is known for relieving stress and rejuvenation; neem soap kills germs; and its tablets, powders, and gels serve a multitude of purposes. In this way, this ancient Indian herb has now get transformed into numerous products with the passage of time.

Local application of neem powder or neem oil has miraculous results. It is a famous anti microbial herb, it renders all the microorganisms inactive therefore helping in proper healing of wound without causing any infections and septic conditionsGood results have been seen on skin problems like acne and blemishes. It helps in disinfecting the hair follicles and helps in eradicating the particle which is the main culprit in blocking the pore

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Blood Purifier – Natural Supplements

There are several ways to detoxify the body such as a healthful diet consisted of low-level acid-forming foods and alkaline forming foods, fasting and colon hydrotherapy. Low-level acid forming foods include cheese, butter, dried fruits, most nuts, grains, and seeds. Alkaline forming foods, on the other hand, include fruits and vegetables.

Beta-carotene - This nutrient converts to Vitamin A in the body, however it does not have the same antioxidant effect as Vitamin A. Beta-carotene has been shown to strengthen the immune response by stimulating T-helper cell activity. It also appears to prevent the development of cancer. A number of studies have shown people with a higher beta-carotene intakes have a reduced rate of lung and colon cancer.

The DHA omega 3 contained in fish oil has been proven to lower mild hypertension that is associated with cardiovascular disease, particularly high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (hardening of the artery walls). If you use fish oil for blood pressure and combine it with lifestyle modification habits such as low salt intake, high potassium diet, no caffeine intake, calcium and magnesium supplements.

The brain uses a lot of DHA to keep us in good mental health. DHA and EPA both advance cardiovascular health. However back to possible side effects of DHA - EPA Omega 3 fish oil supplements. One of the first side effects I would caution you about is the fact that fish oil is a natural blood thinner.

Milk Thistle - It has been used since ancient times as a famous herbal medicine for diseases. It especially aids in liver related problems. It helps in prevention of several diseases related to gallbladder and cancer.

Fennel Seed is another compound commonly used. It's estrogen-mimicking properties are second only to Fenugreek. In addition, Fennel works as an appetite suppressant and stabilizes the nervous system. It also helps move waste out of the body. Lastly, there are Hops and Avena Sativa (Wild Oats).

Red Clover. This is my personal choice in a blood purifier. It even tastes pretty good with a touch of honey. In addition to being good for your blood stream, heart, etc. red clover is also good for cancers and tumors and skin problems.

Dong Quai is another herb found in these supplements which is primarily used to treat an array of female problems related to hormonal imbalances and lack of estrogen production. Blessed Thistle, another common ingredient, has an extensive history of use as a restorative herb that supports the female reproductive organs.

NADH is a Co-Enzyme, a Co-Enzyme is a molecule that can enhance or enable enzymes in the body. It's a key component in cell respiration. Which is the major determining factor in how well your body is able to create ATP which is your cell energy. By combining NADH and Cellfood you will notice a HUGE boost in your normal energy levels, with your cells maximizing their natural ATP output.

It may be a good idea to start out with very low doses if you are allergic to fish.  Most brands say where they got their oils from, but others don't.  If you're not sure what's used to make it, then just stay away from it all together.

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Also read about neem and boswellia

Herbal Breast enlargement  - Safest Choice

Herbal breast enlargement is just one of the many methods you, as a woman, can use in order to have larger, more supple and better defined breasts. You can achieve breast enhancement through breast augmentation surgery, over-the-counter breast enlargement pills, and of course, through herbal remedies.Herbal remedies are generally the most preferred method for breast enhancement and other reasons.

Some of the most common herbs incorporated in the herbal breast enlargement pills are the fennel seeds, wild yam, and saw palmetto. These are primarily used not only because of their natural phytoestrogenic compounds but also due to the reason that they have the highest concentration of phyto-nutrients and diosgenin. Both are aids to breast augmentation and contribute largely to the stimulation of the hormones.

These herbal pills mostly contain natural ingredients with estrogen-like effect on the body. It is called as phyto-oestrogen. This is very similar to the human hormone, estrogen, thus the estrogen-like effects.Women, during puberty, start to have estrogen hormones in their bodies. Older women do not produce these hormones as much anymore and the medical world advises them to take supplements for balance.

When you are out looking for breast enhancement creams and supplements, it is obvious that you should look for those breast enlargement creams that contain natural herbs for ingredients. The herbal ingredients contained in the herbal breast enlargement are very effective in treating the hormonal problem of underdeveloped and sagging breasts.

Herbal breast enhancement uses phytoestrogens which is a naturally occurring form of estrogen found in various herbs and other plants. As anyone knows, the estrogen chemical is what is also found in every female alive and is the main hormone attributed to the developmental differences between male and female. The use of herbs with these phytoestrogens helps to stimulate the body into producing more of its own estrogen.

Modern breast creams are also an effective method to increase breast size. The ingredients found in these creams penetrate the layers of your skin, all the way down to the supporting ligaments and glands. These creams enlarge breasts, and also cause a noticeable increase in firmness. By using the pills and creams, your results will be optimal and you will normally see results within 8 weeks time. The ingredients used within them are absorbed through the skin. Pueraria, which is a root that is indigenous to Thailand, is generally used in enlargement creams. This root itself is said to be able to help the milk ducts stretch and branch. It is also said to stimulate breast tissues, making them grow and even generating new tissue.

When choosing effective breast enhancement pills, try to make sure they contain the right balance of estrogenic compounds. This is important for achieving the desired results. Products containing an over abundance of some herbal ingredients can cause too high of a concentration of estrogenic compounds, causing breakouts, weight gain, and sometimes increased cellulite. Make sure your choice of herbal supplement contains the right balance of natural ingredients.

The only problem and often answer to people questioning does herbal breast enlargement really work is its allergic reactions to some people. One needs to make sure that she does not have any allergic reactions with the herbal ingredients so that it can be effective. There are selective women who will not gain good results because the herb does not work for them.

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Fad Diets and its Effects

Weight loss following a fad diet will always be a temporary loss. There are two main reasons that popular fad diets are doomed fail. The first is that they do not take your lifestyle into account. Second, with many popular diet plans the weight loss is due to a loss of water weight that will be put back on just as soon as your body re-hydrates.

Fad diets are very extreme and irrational plans that are unhealthy and often ineffective. Most fad diets are high in fat that promote short-term weight loss, but most of the weight loss is caused by dehydration.

The dangers of fad dieting are they may lead someone to binge. The dieter gets so bored with the food that he or she has a big slip. Some people might binge and purge. Purging is an attempt to get rid of the food you ate by vomiting or use of laxatives. The purger may not eat anything for a few days to compensate for their binge. All of these encompass part of the dangers of fad dieting.

Another diet that focuses on what you eat is the lemonade diet. This fad diet allows only one item for ten days. That is a lemonade made with maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lemon juice, all added to a glass of purified water. The creators of this fad diet intended it to cleanse the body and bring better health, but once weight was lost, everyone jumped on the bandwagon to try it.

Each fad dieting is appealing in its' own unique way. Some simply stress carbohydrates where others attack ketosis. Fad diets may promise a "quick easy fix", but never deliver lasting results, hints the name fad diet. No Fad Diet helps you create a personalized plan to lose weight in a healthy way.

Fad diets comprise of various kinds of diets like very low-fat diets, paleo diets, low-carb diets, raw food, vegan & macrobiotic diets, and diets like blood and metabolic type. All of these diets have extremely low calories and thus, they might result in a fast weight loss. But, it might not be helpful for your health. In majority of the cases, it is not about fat loss, but it is in fact water loss.

Generally fad diets are over restrictive and boring. These foods can not be enjoyed on a long term basis. Fad diets do not allow consuming enough servings of fruits and vegetables. Therefore, you have to develop the deficiencies of essential nutrients such as minerals and vitamins.

Top ten fad diets strongly recommend you to consume cabbage soup for seven days, only! Does this soup taste great? Naturally you will eat less and lose weight in 7 days.It is the same case with raw food diet plan that permits you to eat uncooked vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains. This is a vegetarian diet and if you're non-vegetarian fan you'll naturally consume less diet and in the process lose weight!

High carb/low fat Diet: These diets are mainly the opposite of controlled carb plan that claims you will lose weight by lessening fat intake as well as increasing carbohydrates. Some example of this diet includes Good Carbohydrate Revolution or else Pritikin Principle.

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Heart Attack Symptoms and Treatments

A heart attack occurs primarily because of a blockage in one or more of the main arteries that deliver blood to the heart. A build-up of fatty deposits on the arterial walls gradually narrows the vessel, allowing less blood through to the heart. Add to this a surface buildup of plaque and over time the regular flow of blood can be slowed considerably.

Fast treatment is the key to surviving a heart attack. Due to the fact that the symptoms of the silent heart attack can feel relief with a little rest, they sometimes can delay treatment which in turn can be devastating. Jaw pain in a heart attack can sometimes mistaken for a tooth ache and the arm pain can be misconstrued for a pulled muscle.

Hawthorn, used regularly, strengthens the heart muscle. Studies show that hawthorn speeds recovery after heart attack. It strengthens the heart and forestalls any onset of coronary disease. No other herb provides the nourishing regeneration of hawthorn after heart attack. Take magnesium daily to rebuild the heart. When magnesium is depleted, it makes muscles twitch - and can do the same to the heart.

Coronary heart disease, in its various forms, is the number one killer in the United States. One way that it kills is heart attack. Most of us have seen a movie or television show in which someone has a dramatic heart attack. The actor clasps the chest, and falls to the floor in pain. The message is clear: he or she had a heart attack.

In heart attack, however, you do not want the blood to clot. The reason for most heart attacks is the rupture of plaque in a coronary artery. When the rupture occurs, the body senses injury and calls for platelets. The platelets hurry to trigger a blood clot, just as they will in a cut finger. As minutes pass, the clot grows larger and larger. It grows until it completely blocks the artery.

Women are more likely than men to have silent heart attacks called myocardial infarctions (MI). This condition is known as "silent ischemia", which some experts attribute to the brain abnormally processing of heart pain. Also one must be aware that a heart attack silent or not - the heart muscle is still damaged. This damage can be diagnosed during a Doctor's examination. To sum up, silent heart attacks are defined as attacks that have no signs or symptoms, and often go undetected.

Omega-3 fatty acids are made up of three basic components: DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). These three acids work individually and in tandem to reduce different risks that are associated with heart disease and heart attack.DHA is considered to be the most important of the three acids and is essential to heart health. Unfortunately, our bodies are not able to manufacture the amount of DHA that we need in order to stay healthy.

It would be wise for everyone to carry a small bottle of regular aspirin in a pocket, or keep on your night table, just in case. Taking this type of an aspirin at the onset of what may be heart attack symptoms works like a drug that is administered in the emergency room that helps break up blood clots and allow blood to flow more freely to the heart.

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Also read other terminalia arjuna and garlic supplements

Herbal Remedies for Hair Loss

Hair loss is a very common issue these days. It is one of the dreaded problems that continue to haunt us that the men and women out there who are experiencing hair loss are frantically searching for the right remedy for hair loss to end their frustrations and fears. Here are some effective ways you can start finding the right remedy for you.

The growth at the base of the follicle is known as the papilla and this starts producing a special kind of hair cell that converts amino acids into the protein keratin that is responsible for hair growth. The rate, in which the building blocks of the keratin proteins are made, helps determine the growth of hair. Hair loss is commonly found in men than in women.

Minoxidil is a know vasodilator originally used to treat high blood pressure, but one of the side effects from its use was new hair growth, which is why it is commonly used today in hair re-growth treatments. It is believed that Minoxidil improves and increases blood flow to the hair follicles, thus encouraging the follicles to grow new healthy hairs.

One of the medically known causes of baldness or hair loss is a hormone known as DHT. This hormone hinders the growth of follicles which weakens the hair and which eventually leads to thinner strands of hair and then die. To be able to resolve this, you have to look for a natural remedy for hair loss which can hinder the growth of this hormone and allow hair re-growth.

Essential oils have various usages. One of its advantages is to prevent hair loss. Essential oils can invigorate both your scalp and hair. It specifically stimulates the circulation of your scalp, allowing more blood flow in the follicle cells and as a result it produces healthy hair. If your scalp and follicle have proper blood circulation, then hair follicles will not shrink.

Hair loss can be very traumatic, but there are solutions available. Homemade remedies for hair loss are very effective for many people and can make a big difference in how you feel about yourself. If you feel making a herbal homemade shampoo or oil consumes too much of time then u can always buy safe and effective products like Zulvera Herbal Hair Shampoo and save a lot of time.

Castor oil is an effective remedy for hair loss. It strengthens the strands and helps them grow. Take one teaspoon of castor oil and massage it into your scalp. Cover your head with a plastic cap and leave it on overnight. Rinse it out in the morning with warm water.

Vitamin E is also considered to be among the best remedies for hair loss because it improves blood flow to the scalp and strengthens the strands and causes the hair to grow. You can take it as a supplement or you can squeeze the vitamin E oil from the capsule and apply it directly to the hair and scalp.

Olive Oil is one of the most effective remedies for hair loss. It cleanses the scalp by penetrating deep into the pores to lift dirt and other debris which can build up over time to clog the follicles and stunt the growth of the hair.

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Herbal Supplements for Depression

Depression is a mental disorder, affecting one in twenty people at some point of their life. Treating this disorder is crucial, as it can affect your work and family relationship. The health professionals often prescribe antidepressants to treat this condition. Though they are effective, they may cause serious side effects like nausea, headache, sexual problems, nervousness and insomnia. Hence, many people prefer herbal supplement for depression.

Problem is it is almost impossible to change when you're feeling depressed. This is where herbal supplements for depression are extremely helpful. Instead of taking a drug (which has side effects that can make your symptoms worse), you are taking a natural medication made from medicinal herbs that have stood the test of time.

Gingko biloba comes from China and it is one of the most widely used of all the herbal supplements for depression because it can actually work by increasing circulation to the brain. That means that the neurotransmitters are stimulated and these include serotonin and dopamine which are in part, responsible for our good mood, optimism and confidence about life. Once these neurotransmitters are out of sync, then depression will take a hold and the effects can be devastating as we all know.

Passionflower is another herb that is known to have beneficial effects on the nervous system and brain. It also is often used in combination with St. John's wort, and these two herbs are frequently used together in herbal formulas to help ease panic, anxiety, stress and depression.

Grape Seed has antioxidant properties. This means they attack free radicals and prevent damage done to cells by the free radical. Grape seed can be used to treat vascular diseases, hypertensive problems, and cancer. It may also benefit such conditions as Macular Degeneration.

Ginseng is another powerful herb that relieves stress, lack of sleep and illness. It regulates the sugar levels in the blood stream. It strengthens the immune system of your body. Ginseng supplements boost your energy levels and reduce physical stress. It helps to treat chronic anxiety and extreme tiredness. It also improves your endurance and stamina.

Chamomile is usually taken in tea form. It is known for its properties of aiding sleep problems and it may also boost the metabolism and lift your mood. Hops will be familiar to some as an ingredient in beer. Hops will treat insomnia, anxiety, and tension. Unfortunately hops may also worsen depressive feelings.

5-HTP is also known as Hydroxytriptophan. It is a natural amino acid that is abstracted from the Griffonia Simplicifolia plant. Taken alone it is best taken in doses ranging from 150 to 300 milligrams. When 5-HTP is taken with St. John's Wort the dose is 25 to 100 milligrams (of 5-HTP). Amoryn is a combination of St. John's Wort, 5-HTP, vitamins and other mood related nutrients.

Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial, because the brain needs those fats, and we don't get enough in our diets. Most of the herbal remedies for depression are not effective, because they are not properly manufactured and accompanied by an enteric coating, which prevents the supplement from being broken down by stomach acids.

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Treatment of Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a major health concern and public health problem in most of the Western countries despite widespread use of screening technique to detect early stages of this disease. Diet, rich in fat and cholesterol, is linked to higher risk of developing colorectal cancer. Lack of proper exercise, presence of inflammatory bowel disease, some types of polyps .

Colorectal cancer symptoms include changes in bowel habits and bleeding. Pain is even felt depending on where the cancer cells are located on the part of the colon. When it includes the rectum and the recto-sigmoid for instance, local pain or pain in the lower back that radiates down the legs. It feels like you are being zapped with a stun gun at that area. Nausea and vomiting is also common and even anorexia and anemia.

The most common treatment of colorectal cancer is surgery. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy are also popular treatments but they are advised according to the stage of the disease. Surgeries can also be classified in to various types, namely curative, bypass, palliative, open and close and fecal diversion. For a localized tumor, curative surgery is performed.

It is therefore difficult to attribute the decreased risk for cancer to weight loss alone and multiple factors both pre- and post-bariatric surgery have to be evaluated before reaching a conclusion. Another important consideration when considering the impact of weight loss surgery on cancer risk is that diet and exercise have not proven very effective strategies for weight loss in the morbidly obese.

In order to detect colorectal cancer early many doctors advise Hemoccult test. In this test sample of the stool is applied to a card and to which a solution of plant gum is added. The presence of hemoglobin is detected by the color change. Hemoccult test is most reliable and a simple non invasive test to detect colorectal cancer.

It is therefore difficult to attribute the decreased risk for cancer to weight loss alone and multiple factors both pre- and post-bariatric surgery have to be evaluated before reaching a conclusion. Another important consideration when considering the impact of weight loss surgery on cancer risk is that diet and exercise have not proven very effective strategies for weight loss in the morbidly obese.

Chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells but also damage some normal cells. Doctors and other health care providers can help patients avoid or minimize side effects, which will depend on the type of drugs, the amount taken, and the length of treatment. Side effects of chemotherapy may include fatigue, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, loss of hair, hand and foot soreness, swelling and rashes, and mouth sores.

Colorectal cancer is the second type of cancer associated cause of death in America. This disease is also referred as bowel cancer or colon cancer.Cure for the cancer varies according to each severity case. Doctors usually use a combination of therapies that can include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to successfully treat each specific case of colorectal cancer.

In order to detect colorectal cancer early many doctors advise Hemoccult test. In this test sample of the stool is applied to a card and to which a solution of plant gum is added. The presence of hemoglobin is detected by the color change. Hemoccult test is most reliable and a simple non invasive test to detect colorectal cancer.

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Also read about shatavari and trikatu

Understanding Mood Disorders

Mood disorders are also called affective disorders. Mood disorder problems may be caused by changes in your life. Chemical changes in your body can also cause a mood disorder. Moods range from feeling sad to feeling happy. Women who have a mood disorder are more likely to get depressed than men. Signs and symptoms of mood disorder start very slowly. Other people may see changes before you see or feel them.

The unipolar, or depression, type of mood disorder can further be broken down into the different types of depression which include:

1. Major depression.

2. Dysthymia.

3. Seasonal affective disorder.

4. Postpartum depression.

Major Depression-This type of depression consists of at least a 2 week time period in which the individual is depressed or in what may be described as an irritable mood. There may be a noticeable decrease in pleasure or interest in previously enjoyed activities.

Exercise and a change of diet might also be beneficial to helping you overcome mood disorders. Sometimes a mood will swing because blood sugar is out of whack. This can be cured by undergoing a diet which doesn't focus on sweets. Try to find a diet that works for your moods.

The cases of depression form a serious health concern which can negatively affect the individual's daily lives. For example, he might lose interest in attending school, work, or family matters. In addition to this, bouts of sadness may even plague them. Although everyone feels sad sometimes for one reason or another, those who are suffering from mood disorders and depression will experience feelings of sadness in a completely different way.

Mood disorders will even change one's personality, as some will find that the disorder makes them more aggressive and violent, while others will feel like isolating themselves. If mood disorder or depression escalates or gets worse, the person's mental abilities will get weaker causing an uncharacteristic and abnormal behaviors, which can be seen as an indication of the patient losing complete control.    

Mood disorders can be crippling at any age but with children and teens they often result in the following....

They cause a child to be ostracized from the peer group, leading to socialization issues.

They can lead to problems with cognitive functioning, which can lead to problems with academics.

They can lead to self-destructive behavior or destruction aimed at other people or objects.

Bipolar disorder used to be manic depression and has alternating periods of feeling manic and being depressed. There are three types of bipolar disorder: bipolar I which is one or more manic episodes with or without depression, bipolar II which is recurrent hypomania and depressive episodes, and cyclothymia which is hypomanic and dysthumic episodes. '

Prescription drugs contain minute quantities of controlled substances that affect our bodies and our mental health. Doctors and pharmacists are trained to understand these drugs and the interaction of these drugs and how they can affect each other. Some drugs enhance each other's actions while other's can cancel each other out, produce unpredictable results, and some combinations can be life threatening.

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Also read about neem and licorice

Home Remedies for Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that are made up of the muscle and connective tissue from the wall of the uterus -- a woman's womb. Fibroids may grow as a single nodule or in clusters and may range in size from 1mm to more than 20cm (8 inches) in diameter.

Herbal remedies for fibroids take a comprehensive approach to treat the condition. It works on the principle any uterine fibroid treatment method must eliminate the root cause of the ailment from the body to ensure that the problem does not recur.

Estrogen is known to be a significant factor in fibroid growth and so natural herbal remedies for uterine fibroids are often combined with other successful strategies to provide a potent combination for shrinking fibroids. One common problem relating to estrogen is the storage of estrogen mimicking compounds within the body, which prove to be very difficult to eliminate.

Fibroids are non-cancerous tumors usually found in the womb and are common in women of childbearing age. Statistically they appear in about 25% of white women and 50% of black women. Often women have them without knowing about them. In other cases the tumors grow to a size where they cause pain and abdominal swelling. The swelling may make a woman look pregnant.

Symptomatic relief can also be gained by using Nettles, Cinnamon and Yarrow, all of which are good for reducing bleeding during the menstrual period and easing cramping and bloating. Certain herbs will help with shrinkage, but as said previously, these should be used in combination with other natural strategies. These include Ginger, Willow and Yam.

Modern ovarian cyst remedies falsely focus upon treating the bothersome symptoms that plague sufferers. Perhaps is it because almost all women have ovarian cysts at one time in their lives but relatively few experience the symptoms that the underlying issue is not considered important.

Cinnamon is very effective in addressing bleeding associated with fibroids. Depending upon your body responds, it can either reduce or completely eliminate bleeding. To use cinnamon you must mix 1 tea spoon of cinnamon bark or cinnamon tincture with one cup of hot water and drink daily. You can also take 5 to 10 drops of cinnamon oil every 15 minutes for four hours or until the bleeding stops.

Natural uterine fibroid treatment plans aim to shrink fibroids merely by restoring the estrogen balance in our body. The only difference between the natural and conventional treatment is the methodology adopted. Whilst the former produces no harmful side effects the latter can have dangerous side effects like increased risk of ovarian cancer with Clomid and Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome.

Whole grains contain lignins, which has the effect of balancing the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Flax seed is the highest lignin-containing grain and may be used as a topping in your morning granola, or stirred into yogurt with fruit for breakfast. Alternatively you can powder flax seeds and consume it with water for uterine fibroid treatment.

Fibroids are also common in women who suffer from inflammatory conditions. By reducing the inflammation within the body, at times the size of fibroids can be shrunk. Food containing natural anti-inflammatory properties such as hops, oats, cumin and rosemary are particularly effective on this score.

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Also read about gymnema sylvestre and safed musli

Tips To Increase Sperm Count Naturally

Sperm count is basically the number of sperm inside a certain amount of your cum. The World Health Organization standard is 20.000.000 sperm per milimeter of cum. Because usually your semen volume when you ejaculate is about 2 ml, that gives you around 40.000.000 sperm normally.

Exercise regularly. Men sana in corpore sano. In a good body lies a good mind. But the same can be applied here. In a good exercised body there's a good reproductive health. I strongly suggest that you get yourself to exercise routinely. Watch out what you eat. Limit your daily diet intake to beneficial foods that can help you increase your sperm count.

Another way to increase the sperm count is quitting fagging and boozing. There have been many clinical trials that prove that both of these addictions have negative effects on many organs of the body including the male reproductive organs. Men who are addicted to smoking have short living sperms. They also tend to produce few sperms and the sperms produced may not be healthy.

While making a modification in the regular diet and to include particular foods, men must also restrict eating fatty foods, junk foods, canned/packed foods and foods with preservatives. Taking multivitamin supplements might also work--vitamin B-12, vitamin C, Vitamin E and zinc, are more essential.

Great sperm count boosting foods include: celery (uncooked), bananas, oysters, avocado pears, almonds etc. Go easy on the caffeine - caffeinated drinks are known to decrease sperm count over a long period of time. Drink plenty of water - drinking lots of water. It also keeps you healthy as well.

Great sperm count boosting foods include: celery (uncooked), bananas, oysters, avocado pears, almonds etc. Go easy on the caffeine - caffeinated drinks are known to decrease sperm count over a long period of time. Drink plenty of water - drinking lots of water. It also keeps you healthy as well.

Swapping convenience foods for a balanced diet of high protein lean meats, fresh organic fruits, vegetables and wholegrains not only improve your health, but can increase sperm count over a period of 3 months. Make sure you're getting enough antioxidants in your diet. Antioxidants neutralize sperm-destroying free radicals, and improve fertilization rates in men. Examples of antioxidants include vitamins C and E.

When you want to improve your sperm count, remember that a little can go a long way. Take some time to learn more about how you can improve your sperm count naturally and remember that you should be patient. This does not always happen over night, but it will happen. Pay attention to what you are doing and how you are treating your body. The more mindful you are, the more likely your chances for success are going to become!

Vitamins C, E and especially B12 possess antioxidant properties and are thought to increase sperm production. L-arginine, L-cartinine (amino acids) those are found abundantly in spinach, seaweed (Spirulina), poultry and also in sesame seeds, tuna, turkeys, egg whites are thought to energize the sperms and also to increase their production without affecting any other body system.

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Also read about triphala and mucuna

Aloe Vera - Ultimate Herbal Supplement

Aloe vera is a member of the lily family. It derives its name from the Arabic word 'alloeh', which means bitter. It is well-known for producing a thin, clear gel-like substance that provides soothing relief for common skin irritations. But another substance, known as aloe vera latex, can also be obtained from the inner leaf skin. With a high water content of nearly 96%, the aloe vera plant has been hailed as a medicinal plant with many a beneficial property.

Aloe Vera greatly improved the effectiveness of natural organic skincare products such as moisturisers and cleansers, as Aloe Vera Gel helps the body heal any minor skin damage for the sun, the ravages of time and our stressful modern life. The beneficial part of the Aloe Vera plant is the sap, more commonly known as Aloe Vera Gel. This is a clear jelly like substance found in the leaves of the Aloe Vera plant.

Aloe Vera draws the heat out of burns, soothes and softens the skin just minutes after being applied. Sunburnt, dry or cracked skin and scrapes can all benefit from a slathering of Aloe Vera gel. It is said to maintain beauty, smoothen wrinkles, and brighten the face.

The medicinal uses of Aloe Vera are never-ending: healthier, more beautiful skin; relief from digestive problems; a boost to your immune system; or simply an overall feeling of wellbeing. You, too, can enjoy the benefits of this all natural ingredient that was discovered thousands of years ago and that is still being used today.

As a food supplement, Aloe Vera is said to facilitate digestion, aid in blood and lymphatic circulation, and enhance the function of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder. Liquid health treatments using Aloe Vera and other herbs have proven beneficial for the relief of colitis and peptic ulcers. The oral administration of an extract of Aloe Vera for 6 months produced good results in the treatment of asthma.

Aloe vera is a complex mixture of some 300 constituents including beta-linked polysaccharides, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, lignins, saponins and anthraquinones. Aloe vera is a succulent, a member of the Liliacae family, this is the same family as the onion, garlic, asparagus, lily and the tulip.

Aging of the skin is characterized by thinning and wrinkling of the epidermis, combined with the appearance of lines, creases, age spots and furrows in the face. Components of Aloe Vera have been found to reverse degenerative skin changes by stimulating collagen and elastin synthesis, in essence turning back the clock on the effects aging has on skin.

Aloe vera contains numerous vitamins and minerals, enzymes, amino acids, natural sugars and agents which may be anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial. The combination and balance of the plant's ingredients are what purportedly gives it its healing properties. Aloe vera is a source of energy containing over 200 nutrients, including 18 amino acids and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

Aloe vera is a complex, interacting mixture of some 300 constituents including beta-linked polysaccharides, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, lignins, saponins and anthraquinones. It has proven to be an effective natural remedy for many illnesses and conditions such as IBS, Allergies, Crohn's disease and even cancer. As aloe vera's popularity increases, many tend to rush to buy aloe vera supplements.

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Shatavari  - Sexual Ayurvedic Medicines

Shatavari is also particularly useful as a natural menopause remedy for hot flashes. Since it is a natural diuretic, you are recommended to re-supply your potassium intake by eating bananas and orange juice to avoid becoming dehydrated. Shatavari enhances fertility by nourishing the ovum and female reproductive organs. It builds blood, prepares the womb for conception and prevents miscarriage. It is also a post-partum tonic where it helps to normalize the changing hormones and increases lactation. Libido enhancer is one that helps in enhancing the male sexual thoughts and capacity. Herbs that can be considered as libido enhancer include Ginseng, Indian gooseberry, Mucuna, Shilajit, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Garlic, Onions, Horny Goat Weed and Cnidium. One can consume them as a single herb or can also go for some formula that includes more than one of above mentioned natural aphrodisiac. Let us look at few of these herbs; how they work to increase the male libido and sexual capability:

For generalized weakness, Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) kalpa or Shatavari Ghruta is used orally and Mahanarayan oil is used for massaging the body. Children having a history of loss of appetite, indigestion and loose motions are given Sanjeevani vati (containing mainly Semicarpus anacardium) and Pippalyadi decoction (containing mainly Piper longum).

A special Panchkarma procedure called "Netra-Tarpan" is believed to have potential for benefit in the long-term treatment of Stargardt's disease. In this procedure, a paste is applied around the eyes, and a lukewarm solution of medicated ghee or oil like Triphala-Ghrut, Shatavari-Ghrut or Mahanarayan-Oil is poured inside, so that the entire eye is immersed in the medicine.

The medicines used orally are: Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus), Masha (Phaseolus mungo), Kohla, Abhrak Bhasma, Raupya Bhasma, Suvarna Bhasma, Chandan-Bala-Laxadi Oil, Shatavari kalpa, Kushmand-avaleha, Mahayogaraj Guggulu and Vasant-kusumakar Rasa.

The Ayurvedic treatment of retinitis pigmentosa is aimed at treating the symptoms and halting or reversing the degeneration process. Medicines like Tapyadi-Loh, Saptamrut-Loh, Punarnavadi-Guggulu, Panch-Tikta-Ghrut-Guggulu, Punarnavadi-Mandur, Trayodashang-Guggulu, Lohasav, Yashtimadhuk-Ghrut, Triphala-Ghrut and Shatavari-Ghrut are used to treat the loss of vision.

It is an important natural supplement that is very helpful in rejuvenation and also in overcoming any kind of deficiency occurring in the body. It is a wild herb that is found growing in wild in native places in India. It is known as asparagus racemosus in botanical terms. It provides strength and stamina to the body. In ayurvedic system of medicine shatavari is used in diseases such as impotence, weakened sexual activities, decreased function of sexual organs, inflamed sexual organs and especially in spermatorrhea.

Premature ovarian failure (POF), though comparatively rare, is an important cause of female infertility. This condition can be treated using Ashoka, Dashmool, Chandraprabha, Shatavari, Guduchi, and Jeevanti ( Leptadania reticulata). These medicines can be given in addition to hormone replacement therapy.

Healing qualities of Shatavari are very effective on the female reproductive system related problems. It helps in minimizing the women's complaints related to menstrual cycles and balancing the female hormonal system. It also helps in decreasing the inflammation of female sexual organs, in fighting tiredness and morning sickness which occur during the menopause cycle. Those women, who face problems of hot flashes, they should try combination of Shatavari and Kama Duba.

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Also read about ashoka and shatavari

Types Of Phobia – A  Guide

A phobia is a type of fear that is considered to be either excessive, or irrational in basis. In many cases, a phobia includes both an excessive and an irrational fear. Individuals who suffer from these fears may or may not know and understand that their fear is irrational. However, if one does recognize their fear as irrational, it is still difficult to overcome it as it feels and seems very real.

A social phobia is a fear of social situations and experiences. These fears can include even the most basic social situations that are normally experienced on a day to day basis. The people that suffer from this anxiety believe that other people are watching them and are placing opinions on them. These people are often very afraid when it comes to public speaking.

A phobia is usually specific; some of the most common phobias are: acrophobia (fear of heights); agoraphobia (fear of leaving the familiar setting of the home and being in a crowded or public place); claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces); mysophobia (fear of germs and dirt); and xenophobia (fear of strangers).

Agoraphobia is a common phobia which can be defined as a generalised fear of leaving a familiar 'safe' place such as home, and of the possible panic attacks which may follow. It may also be a result of panic disorders which in extreme cases, prevents sufferers from leaving their homes unless accompanied by people they trust. Agoraphobia is derived from a Greek word meaning "fear of the open marketplace".

One of the most successful is cognitive behavioral therapy which helps people with phobias face up to their fears, control their symptoms and in time accepting of whatever was causing their extreme anxiety. Therapy for anxiety disorders often involves medication or specific forms of psychotherapy. Supportive therapy, such as group therapy, or couple or family therapy, and to educate significant others about the disorder is also helpful.

Another one is a fear of clowns. This is called Coulrophobia, another type of phobia that can be considered paradoxical. After all, the poor old clown's doing his best to make you laugh, and all the while you're terrified of him. Mike Bond, talking about mental health issues again, this time he's discussing phobias. It's easy to make fun of some of these, but they're very real to those who suffer from them and extremely distressing.

One of the most negative and anti-social behaviors are deceitfulness. Persons suffering from it usually indulge in the habit of repeatedly lying with people they come across and using aliases, or even conning others for the sake of personal profit or pleasure. Such people do not look to the well being of others and they only consider everything from their own pursuit. Despicable in nature, these traits often make the person suffering from the anti-social phobia undesirable company for many.

Treatment of phobia could be in form of psychotherapy called cognitive behavior therapy. Cognitive behavior therapy may involve exposure therapy. In this type of therapy, the individual gradually work up to face the situations he or her fear most. This allows the individual to become better skilled at coping with these anxiety-inducing situations and to develop the confidence to face them.

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Also read about wheat grass and gymnema sylvestre

Lower Back Pain Remedies

Many lower back pain remedies concentrate on breathing and relaxation, which not only work the muscles, but can relieve stress. Rest is one of the most effective remedies. Exercise is also one of the most common back pain solutions recommended by doctors. In most cases, it is possible to treat acute pain in the lower back with over-the-counter medications.

Back pain occurs from your upper back to your lower back. In some cases it begins from the lower back and then begins to gradually radiate towards your buttocks and the moves further down to you. Most of these people will simply opt for remedies for back trouble like; surgery, epidural spinal injections, steroid injections, and various very strong medical solutions that may work as a band aid solution for now and fail woefully in the long run as a permanent cure.

Massage therapy - undergoing a massage therapy is very relaxing and removes stress. But for severe back problems and under not so well trained therapists, it may aggravate the pain and worsen the condition.

Surgery - many are frightened to go under the knife and it could also be very expensive and, at times, debilitating.

These foods include, but are not limited to, the following; milk, fish (especially herring and cat fish), grains, cod liver oil (which has a particularly high vitamin D content), shellfish (you may choose to go for oysters which is known to contain a good amount of this vitamin), salmon, halibut and steelhead trout.

Exercise such as light aerobics, weight training, stretching, yoga, and Pilates all have their benefits as a back pain remedy. Increasing your overall physical health through cardiovascular exercise and weight training will mean that your body is not as vulnerable to sickness and injury; stretching will work to loosen muscles, improve range-of-motion, and foster flexibility; yoga and Pilates will strengthen the body's core, lending enormous support to the back muscles.

Lifting and proper posture are two areas where many people put to much strain their back. Nothing can throw out a bad back quicker then picking up something heavy using bad technique. The strongest muscles in the body are the legs and they should be used whenever picking up anything.

Any back pain remedy is only as good as it was for the last person it helped; what world for your friends or family members may not work for you. What you need to do is "build" your own back pain remedy by examining some things in your life and deciding which of them might be contributing to your problem.

Back pain relief is achievable only through your sincere effort. Medication helps in getting relief from excruciating pain whereas physical exercises help in strengthening muscles. In the event of unmanageable pain medication may be put on hold and instead exercises or physical therapy may be administered. Exercises are helpful in so far as they not only cure but also prevent back pain.

The truth is that all these people require back pain remedy to combat the sharp pains they are currently experiencing from their lower backs all the way up to their upper backs. And this is where the problem lies; most people are simply "medication happy", once they get any "funny" feeling in their backs they go off like a bullet to get medication.

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Also read about neem and licorice

Wheatgrass Juice Diet

Wheatgrass is a great source of vitamins B, C, E and carotene which are hugely effective in destroying and eliminating free radicals and cleansing the body. Wheatgrass is also highly regarded for its ability to cleanse the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract. Wheatgrass juice is a complete protein and contains, amongst others, the following amino acids: arginine, serine, absenisic, lysine, aspartic acid, glycine, alanine, methionine, leucine, tryptophane, phenylalanine, and valine.

Wheatgrass is grown through a process known as sprouting. Sprouts are a "complete foods" because they contain all other essential dietary nutrients, along with the enzymes to help assimilate them. They are easily digested and enter the bloodstream quickly. The nutrients in wheatgrass juice are completely assimilated by the human body in 20 minutes.

A green wheatgrass supplement will be a great help. One more nutrient supplement, Coral calcium is a supplement that you can buy which can help reduce this condition. Harvested from long-dead sea beds, the calcium within coral sediments will help pave the way for clear health.

Wheat grass is a powerful detoxifying agents and hence help in improving the conditions of liver and blood. The enzymes and amino acids present in wheatgrass supplements may protect the body from various carcinogens. Intake of such supplement can strengthens the body tissues, detoxify the liver and bloodstream, and chemically neutralize the pollutants present in the environment.

Wheatgrass Powder which is one of the forms of wheatgrass that is available in the market is also an excellent supplement for people who suffer from diminished iron levels in their body. All in all wheatgrass is one of the most modern food supplements. Wheatgrass Powder and wheatgrass juice are also known to help in any form of blood related disorders. It renews the circulatory system by flushing out harmful metals and chemicals in the body.

There are a number of ways that a person can utilize wheatgrass juice on the external areas of the body. Typically people who grow the grass themselves will juice the fresh sprouts and put the mush on any area of the skin as a cleanser. This typically has an astringent effect on the skin that is quite similar to the effect produced by the Alovera plant.

Wheatgrass is also available in powder form. Try a powder that is organic and has been freeze dried or dried in the sun. This method will retain the nutritional value of the plant. A powder can be used in smoothies or added to juice or water for a potent supplemental boost.

Super-food like wheatgrass contain many antioxidants which help cleanse the body of free radicals. Free radicals enter the human body through overly processed food and create oxidation at the cell level. Antioxidants remove these damaging toxins.

Wheatgrass is absolutely the safest medical aid that answers most of our health problems. It is advisable to be taken fresh, not cooked. It has been a good source of alkaline minerals, Protein, Beta-carotene, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Moron, Molybdenum and Phosphorus. Wheatgrass is not just an effective medicinal aid. It also enhances a clean and comfortable environment. Living wheatgrass is a good indoor plant.

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Also read about triphala and asparagus adscendens

Nausea Causes and Treatment

Nausea and vomiting can occur in both children and adults. Nausea is often indicative of an underlying condition elsewhere in the body. Nausea is also an adverse effect of many drugs. Nausea may also be an effect of a large intake of sugary foods. Nausea is the sensation that there is a need to vomit.

Some of the causes of nausea are:

Heat stroke or overheating

Dehydration Car, boat, plane etc.

motion - motion sickness

Morning sickness from pregnancy Stress

Infuse a tablespoon of common yarrow blossoms with a glass of water. Boil the tincture for 15 minutes and leave the decoction to brew for an hour. Take a tablespoon of the tincture 3-4 times a day after meal. Infuse 3 tablespoons of granulated dandelion roots with 2 glasses of boiling water. Continue to boil the tincture for 15 minutes. Take a tablespoon of the decoction twice a day half an hour before meal.

Long-term nausea feelings can degenerate into Celiac Disease. Nausea accompanied by long and repeated bouts of vomiting can cause a slide in the person's electrolyte level. Such a state can lead to acute dehydration. Immediately provide the patient intravenous or oral electrolyte solutions. The best rehydration means is hygienic drinking water. It is simpler and safer too.

Nausea can be easily treated by some popular home remedies:

To get rid from the feeling of nausea, intake of chamomile or peppermint tea is effective. It eliminates complete feeling of nausea.

Consumption of ginger is one of the best and the oldest home remedies for nausea. As ginger is very effective in the process of digestion so intake of ginger in raw for or with tea reduces the tendency of vomiting and the feeling of nausea.

While anxiety suffers realize there are many signs and symptoms of this disorder, once the symptoms start, the anxiety of being nauseous can actually make it worse. An anxious person who is nauseous and can't relive the feeling may end up vomiting. Vomiting can lead to dehydration and that is something no panic attack suffer needs on top of all the stress we are trying to keep controlled. The reasons for anxiety nausea are many, especially when they are associated with panic, fear, or stress.

Mild and temporary side effects such as nausea and vomiting, anorexia, loss of hair, and mouth sores. If some blood producing cells are damaged, there could be low blood cell count. This could also lead to a substantial or high risk of infection, blood klotting process could be impaired after minor cuts or injuries, and experiencing exhaustion or shortness of breath could also be seen.

Nausea is totally controlled by brain and autonomic nerves, which controls involuntary bodily functions including breathing and heartbeat. There are also many other factors that can cause nausea. Nausea could occur in people under age of 50. Nausea could be cured or controlled by using combination of anti-nausea drugs and alternative therapies.

Panic disorder is just one of many conditions that fall under the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) category of anxiety disorders. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Generalized anxiety disorder, Social phobias and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder are some other conditions that include the debilitating symptoms of excessive and irrational fear and dread.

Read about useful herbs terminalia chebula Also read about tribulus terrestris and ginger supplements

Also read about terminalia arjuna and garlic supplements

Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is often referred to as the silent killer because it can pave the way for heart attacks, strokes and kidney failure without a warning sign. Some of the ingredients you will find in most natural supplements include calcium, magnesium, folic acid, niacin and juniper berry. There are other ingredients and herbs, but these are a few that work to lower blood pressure. These herbs and vitamins work to support your cardiovascular system.One of the main causes of elevated blood pressure is high homocysteine levels, which can be normalized very well with B-6, B-12 and folic acid.

Chocolate - In the past, we've thought chocolate wasn't really good for anything but making you gain weight and causing acne. Wrong! Eating the right amount of chocolate is good for reducing hypertension, when combined with other natural remedies.

Coriander is a rich resource for calcium, iron, potassium and more. In fact, a tablespoon of dried coriander contains approximately 80 mg of potassium. Because of these nutrients, it's often used to reduce stress and high blood pressure and serves as an antioxidant and an anti-inflammatory. When combined with fresh curry leaves and consumed as a juice, it's most effective.

Hypertension can be improved by diet change, stress reduction, and exercise. But truly lowering your numbers to a normal range requires a bit more. Some methods that can be used are deep breathing, meditation, special exercises and herbal supplements. These are a few of the natural remedies for high blood pressure.

Herbs - Herbs are one of the best natural remedies for high blood pressure, and many work as well as prescription drugs. When combined with a good diet and other healthy lifestyle changes, including herbal supplements is one of the most effective ways to reduce hypertension.

Your eating habits must be improved and fat, greasy, salty food to be replaced with a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals. You can also start taking additional health supplements such as Magnesium and potassium as they can help controlling your BP. People who smoke or consume alcohol on a regular basis must stop both - tobacco and alcohol are among the worst enemies of health as well as main factors in developing hypertension.

There are minerals too that are effective as a natural remedies for high blood pressure. One simple example would be the mineral magnesium. This mega mineral can pack a powerful punch when used in treating hypertension. Most people do not get nearly enough magnesium from their regular diet, so supplementation is often necessary. In fact, magnesium assists in over 300 processes in your body each day!

Garlic is considered one of the very good natural remedies for high blood pressure/natural remedies for hypertension. It has been shown that both garlic supplements and fresh garlic lowers your cholesterol level, helps to destroy plaque and aids in preventing blood clots. Studies have shown that when people with high pressure ingest at least one clove per day for three months both their pressure and cholesterol level showed significant lowering.

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Also read about mucuna pruriens and blood purifier

Natural Acne Treatment

Natural acne treatment is made from all-natural ingredients. This means that the only natural herbs, vitamins, and minerals are used. It is always important to check the list of ingredients on any natural acne treatment. It will take mere minutes to find information about the ingredients and make an informed decision about choosing natural acne treatment.

Benzyl peroxide in acne treatments should kill bacteria, but after applying benzyl peroxide to the face for a few months, the bacteria that causes inflammation in acne start to resist it. By using blue light therapy or Zeno, you can provide an uninhabitable environment for the bacteria, specifically p.-acne, which kills 99.9% of the bacteria within a week. Benzyl peroxide's effectiveness is never this high.

The foremost thought should be on prevention of acne, and the easiest way to help with this is to keep the pores of you skin fresh and unclogged. The best way to keep your skin in good health is to know about home products that will aid in keeping your skin free from dirt and help improve your complexion and make you skin clean and beautiful.

Antibiotics are by far the most common oral treatment for acne, and usually supplemented by a topical treatment, which may contain the same antibiotic preparation as is being given in tablet form. Using topical medications and oral antibiotics as acne treatment does not guarantee the disappearance of these menacing and painful spots that invade the face.

Natural methods of treatment are created to cleanse and detox the vital organs, which betters immune operations and accelerates skin healing and rejuvenation. Most importantly, it is usually safe for curing different forms of acne problems and individuals who are susceptible to acne can greatly benefit from this easy and successful cure choice.

Acne decides for itself when it is finished. Up to then you need to be active in managing it. Once you body says "enough" then it's over. So the best acne treatments are treatments which need to be continued as necessary. Don't expect to just apply a treatment and "hey presto" no more acne. Sorry, it's not that simple.

Allergic reaction is a primary complication and most prevalent. Many acne victims may have allergic reactions chemicals that make the acne treatment. Very often, it happens that the victims themselves are not informed of such allergies and only come to know once it has happened and the doctor enlightening them about the outcome of using a particular acne treatment.

The acne treatment tip is that it is important that you keep yourself clean. But that does not necessarily mean that a healthy skin regimen should include harsh scrubbing or over-washing the infected area. Doing this can cause possible skin irritation. Another great acne treatment tip is to look for products with gentle exfoliation ingredients.

Diet recommended for people plagued with acne would consist of fruits and vegetables, no-oily and non-fatty food taken with a lot of fluids. This will help in removing toxins from your system and produce healthy sebum. This kind of diet is also good for overall health and contributes to proper digestion and detoxification.

Read about useful herb wheat grass Also read about asparagus adscendens and phyllanthus niruri

Also read about amla and arjuna

Wheat grass – Benefits and Side Effects

Wheat grass is very leafy and requires a different type of juicer to most fruit and vegetables. The best juicer to use is a masticating juicer that is specifically designed to crush and juice wheat grass. High speed oxidizes wheat grass and the grass fibers bind so electric juicers should be low rpm. There are several types of juicers suitable for juicing wheat grass. These include: Dedicated Electric Wheat grass Juicers; Multi-Purpose Wheat grass Juicers; and Twin Gear Juice Extractors which will juice wheat grass as well as other produce.

Wheat-grass, or scientific name Triticum Aestivum, is the grass or the harvest from the cotyledons of the young wheat plant, and its common modes of consumption are by blending it into a juice or as a concentrated powder. Regular consumption of wheat-grass juice or wheat-grass powder concentrate, with proper exercise and healthy daily routines, gives individuals an ample amount of benefits for their health, as well as treatments for some illnesses.

Wheat grass juice furnishes the body with vital nourishment, providing extra energy to the body. This juice contains nearly 70 per cent of chlorophyll. It is a rich source of vitamins A, B, C and contains minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, cobalt, and zinc. The chlorophyll contained in wheat grass juice is very beneficial for the body.

A wheat grass juicers acts almost like a press and in comparison to other juicer it extracts the juices at a very slow rate of speed. If you tried to extract juice at a high speed you would actually destroy or damage the nutritional enzymes. The RPM on a wheat grass juice ranges from 80 to 120, most conventional juicers have a range of 1000 or more RPMs. If you tried to use a high-speed juicer you would destroy the enzymes because their centrifugal forces oxidizes them. Wheat grass also helps to detoxify dangerous metals from the blood stream. All blood cells take in oxygen and nutrients while giving out toxin waste. If this process is altered serious and irreparable damage can be done to the body. Consumption of wheat grass helps to maintain the alkaline levels of the body and so in turn helps to oxygenate the cells and rid them of their toxic wastes.

The thing to consider in determining if the wheat-grass is a healthy one is if it has sprouted straight and its leaves are thick and smooth. These features signify that the wheat-grass has been cultivated in a quality soil, with regular fertilizing and watering. Therefore, the soil and the leaves must be checked to determine if the wheat-grass is healthy or not. Wheat-grass infested with molds is very easy to spot since it has white blobs on the stems and looks unhealthy.

The nutrient rich young wheat plant is considered to be a vegetable at this early stage of its life cycle. It is a concentrated source of vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll (70% in juice form) and enzymes. It has superb health benefits, from cleansing the lymph system, building the red blood cells, removing toxic metals from the cells, nourishing the liver and kidneys, and restoring vitality.

Read about useful natural herb holarrhena antidysenterica. Also read about other herbs garcinia cambogia and mucuna pruriens.

Also read about ashwagandha and guggul

Gymnema sylvestre – An effective Weight Loss Aid

Gymnema sylvestre gum is being promoted as a weight loss aid that reduces sugar cravings. While there is some preliminary research concerning the gymnema sylvestre sugar craving reduction power, the few clinical trials that have been conducted have focused on the herb as a component in weight and blood sugar control in diabetic patients. Gymnema sylvestre "inhibits responses to sweet substances in rodents". One component of the herb inhibits the absorption of oleic acid, one of the omega-9 fatty acids found in vegetable oil, animal fat, olive oil and other sources of dietary fat.

Gymnema is a remarkable herb which can be a huge benefit both to those who truly want to cut down their consumption of sweet foods and those with blood sugar issues. Of course, if on medication you should consult your doctor before taking Gymnema: but if you have 'blood sugar lows' and are not on medication, try Gymnema.

Gymnema Sylvestre is a woody plant known for climbing that grows in the rain forests of central and southern India. It appears that Gymnema Sylvestre helps regulate blood sugar and the metabolism of glucose. Some studies have been done that suggest Gymnema Sylvestre may help regulate blood sugar which could be beneficial to dieters. If true - this would make Gymnema Sylvestre a very powerful addition to your weight loss supplements arsenal.

Very little information is available on side effects of Gymnema sylvestre relating to pregnancy or breast feeding, or its use for infants. Therefore, we advise caution in using Gymnema in these circumstances. Gymnema is a remarkable herb which, if used bearing in mind the above cautions, can be a huge benefit both to those who truly want to cut down their consumption of sweet foods and those with blood sugar issues. Of course, if on medication you should consult your doctor before taking Gymnema: but if you have 'blood sugar lows' and are not on medication, try Gymnema. Gymnema Sylvestre is considered to absorb excess sugar in the blood like a blotting paper. It has been shown to manage and treat diabetes in Type 1 as well as Type 2 Diabetic patients. G.sylvestre exhibits multi pronged anti diabetic action. It sucks out excess sugar in the blood, regenerate the beta cells in the pancreas and increases the production of insulin.

People who use Gymnema include those who are trying to lose weight as well as those keen to keep their blood sugar levels in balance. The key factors in balancing body weight are usually diet and exercise: Gymnema can be an extra help. Some people take a few drops of Gymnema on the tongue just before a meal, which reduces the desire for sweet and fatty foods.

Gymnema is a remarkable herb which can be a huge benefit both to those who truly want to cut down their consumption of sweet foods and those with blood sugar issues. Of course, if on medication you should consult your doctor before taking Gymnema: but if you have 'blood sugar lows' and are not on medication, try Gymnema. The main treatment for low blood sugar is in changing diet and getting more exercise: but if you do these things, Gymnema is a great help to have in your pocket.

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Also read about other useful herbs terminalia arjuna and garlic supplements

Best anti aging supplement - Shilajit

Shilajit is an ayurvedic herb that is blessed with diversified properties with which it has the capability in treating almost all kinds of problems faced by us nowadays. Shilajit in Sanskrit literally means conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness. In ancient Indian medicinal science, it was used as it possesses strong rejuvenating natural power that makes the human body to endure the depredations of age and health ailments like a rock.

It has been extensively used for general physical strengthening, anti-aging, blood sugar stabilization, boosting libido, injury healing, immune system strengthening, urinary tract rejuvenation, enhanced brain functioning potency, bone healing, kidney rejuvenation, arthritis, hypertension, obesity and many other application for numerous conditions.

Shilajitu is considered has ushan virya i.e. it possess hot potency, which makes it, fight against the ailments caused by vata disorder. It possesses katu, tickt and kashaya rasa and possesses laghu (light) and ruksh (dry) properties, which helps it in acting the way it works. Due to presence of these properties shilajit acts as vata and kapha suppressant, it also helps in moderating pitta dosha.

It is an Indian Viagra in other names because of marked enhancements in uplifting the disadvantaged on sex matters. It raises sperm count, restores any form of sexual dysfunction, and raises fertility and the many other handicaps bedeviling men. With mental faculties settled and put in good working condition, nothing prevents youthfulness coming back to the scene and the vigor associated with it.

Benefits of Shilajit:

Increase sex drive - Low sex drive and sexual weaknesses also occur due to malfunctioning of urinary and renal organs of the body. Swelling or enlargement of prostrate gland gives rise to painful urination or incontinence in urination which leads to low sex drive or insufficient erections. Shilajit alleviates and treats urinary and renal problems; it also helps in improving functioning of kidneys for better health.

Diabetes - Shilajit is one of the best agents in treating diabetes. It has been clearly mention in ayurvedic texts that Shilajit is to be given in the condition of high sugar levels in the body. It also has been clinically assessed that Shilajit is extremely helpful in maintaining the normal sugar levels in the body. Shilajit helps in regularizing the sugar metabolism in the body.

Antioxidant - Antioxidants can safely neutralize a free radical without becoming a free radical them self. Shudh Shilajit is a powerful antioxidant that has the added benefit of being able to cross the blood-brain barrier.

Kidney stones - Shilajit has the power to expel out the stones that gets formed in kidneys. It first breaks the stone into smaller pieces and then flushes it out through the urine. As it is a powerful diuretic agent thereby is also helpful in expelling out the toxins from the body. It has the potential to remove all kinds of stones from kidneys and urinary tract.

Memory - Shilajit improves memory and the ability to handle stress. Shilajit is found in the Himalayan mountains and has been used by the local residents for centuries. It is not unusually for the people living in that region to live to be over 100 years of age.

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Best Supplement for Vitamin C - Amla

Amla or Indian gooseberry is single herb in the Charaka Samhita. It alleviate tridoshas and specially normalizes pitta. It has a reputation as a powerful rejuvenating herb. It is the fruit of this deciduous tree found mainly in India. It is greenish yellow in color, tastes sour and fibrous in nature. Amla contains minerals such as chromium, zinc, and copper and also used in the treatment of gastritis.

Amla is one of the widely used herbs in ayurvedic medicines. Charak and sushrut widely mention the use of amla for curative purposes. Amla due to sheet virya potency is widely used in diseases caused by pitta disorders. Well renowned ayurvedic preparations like chawanprash, triphala and amlaki rasayan possess dominance of Amla. It is very important part of most ayurvedic medicine and supplements like Triphala, chavyanprasha, Amalaki rasayana, arogyaverdhani vati etc.

Amla is a strong rejuvenates and it balances the stomach acids. It is helpful in absorption of food. Amla is an anti-oxidant, which prevents premature aging. It provides strength to lungs. It acts as a coolant. As it is a good source of vitamin C so it is used to treat eyesight. Amla prevents premature graying and falling of hair. Amla also helps in maintaining body weight due to its richness in nutrients.

Benefits of Amla:

Skin- it is very helpful in skin diseases as it has sheet virya in potency. It inhibits pitta and thus helps in getting relief from it. All the skin disorders are caused by pitta dominance. Regular use of Amla promotes glow on skin and delays wrinkles or loosening of skin. Good results have been found in eczema. Its internal use as well as its local application on scalp gives good results in hair loss as it provides nourishment to the skin on head (scalp). It stimulates hair follicles thus promoting hair growth and also improves texture of the hair.

Stomach Problems
It is highly effective in treating stomach ailments both liver and intestine related. Its regular intake helps in keeping away problems like stomach ache, gastric problems and infections. It is also a very good blood purifier hence it improves the health of liver which in turns keeps the toxins and infections away.

Improves mental stamina- Amalaki is a good brain tonic. It helps in improving the brain functioning and improve the mental concentration. It raises the grabbing power of the brain and also increases the retaining power.

Tones urinary system - it tones up the urinary tract and also helps in fading away any kind of infection that happens in the body. More over it also reduces the chances of calculus (stones) formation in the kidneys

Application and consumption of amla has an astonishing effect on hair and skin. Hair that has already gone grey can be reverted back to their original color by drinking any green vegetable juice in which 2-3 amla fruits have been crushed. Else dried amla powder mixed with water can be consumed. Amla juice also helps revive the elasticity of skin. Amla helps in regulating body metabolism, elimination and helps remove metabolic toxins from the body.

Read more about useful herb amla. Also read about other herbs ashwagandha and arjuna